Console ports... U_U the future looks so dark i'd like to have a brightness scrollbar xD
I created this account i'm writing with (account Z) because i'm stuck in this funny bug: I created a non-hypotetical account, X, back in the demo (downloaded via steam) from the in-game prompt with the hypotetical credentials Nickname: A, e-mail: B and psw: C. Now, i could log in into crysis 2 MP with these credentials but i could not log into So i created another non-hypotetical account, Y, on MC with Nickname: A, e-mail: B and psw: D. Obviusly the latter didn't work on C2MP as the former didn't work on MC.
Today C2 shipped to my house i tryed logging in C2MP with Y and it failed; i tried with X and it succeded. I deleted Y from MC. Tried logging into MC with X and it failed. Tried resetting the psw for the e-mail B - shared by the accounts - and it tells me there's no such account, yet, if i try to create another account on MC with X credentials it tells me both A and B are taken for their respective function of Nickname and e-mail. This is totally ****ed-up.
As things are now Y has been deleted so it doesn't work anymore on MC and has never worked on C2MP; Z works on C2MP and MC; X works on C2MP but not on MC.
Dunno what you think but this obviusly has something to do with accounts created from the demo version which are stuck somewhere in the authentication tangle. Hope you get out of this crytek U_U