Ok, we'll look into this.
That was 3 days ago, and what has been done? NOTHING!!!!
Crytek has performed NO TECH SUPPORT whatsoever! All we get is promises from Forum Mods - BIG DEAL, and patches that don't fix anything! Any idiot can type promises into a Forum. NOTHING is being done to fix the issues!
When are you people going to realize that Crytek doesn't give a fiddler's fart about you? They are feeding you the same crap they fed us during the FAILED Demo. "Oh, we'll have a patch for that soon". If they DO release a patch, it doesn't fix the problems. Thousands of us never did get to login to the Demo and try it. Now you people who paid for it are getting the same treatment.
Send these people a message! Return your games and get a refund. Call a lawyer about a Class Action Suit!
I hear many of you saying "This happens all the time with games, they'll fix it eventually" - THIS IS NOT RIGHT!
As consumers, we have a right to expect that when we purchase something, ANYTHING, it will perform as advertised. Would you buy a car that you had to take back to the garage 6 times before they got it working right? Of course not! So why allow companies like this to make millions of dollars from people like you, and not provide the proper working software?
If we, as a gaming community, allow this to happen, it will KEEP HAPPENING! These companies are making MILLIONS, while we sit at our PC's, waiting for a working patch to be released! Surely I can't be the only one who sees a problem here?