An account creation on this Homepage is it allowed to creating nickname with symbols or something other like big and small characters, but the game, ingame menue have issue with it.
There is a issue between Accountpage and the ingame menue.
different allowed symbols or something like big/small characters...
I have tell EA Support from this.
Well, 2 Hours of hard discussion, before 35 minute waitingtime.
EA Support, Crytek or Gamespy make the issue ?!
But the Supervisor send it to higher position (Tier 3).
I have tell him, it is a big Problem and there are hundreds or thousend People the have the same problem, here 166 pages.
I hope it helps and it was correct and i can help all Peoples and the problem get fixed.
I will only Battelfield 3 Limited Edition from EA for it.
For doing my best, inform EA, hard discussion, watingtime...
I think its ok, for my hard night.
You can Test something: Go to login here and change the Nickname without any symbols or make small and big characters in it or create a new account with other Emailadress.
The Emailadress can make also the Problem!
But i think, there is the Issue of allowed writing nickname or emaildress.
emailadress is not allowed to change, only nickname.
For Emailadress change, you must create a complete new account.
I hope EA contact me and write here something down (the fix).
thanks, i hope you all here become the Help what you need, no support here in forum?!
i hope for my hard work to EA Supporters (2 hours discussion, waitingtime and something) i get
the little Present, Battlefield 3 Limited Edition.
Good Night.
Edit: correction, sry, for my bad english, but Iam a german.