» Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:19 pm
Due to the lackluster support I've seen related to this problem aside from a surprisingly helpful user-community, I've tried numerous fixes, I'll post what I tried below but I was able to fix this by doing the following:
1) Go to gamesas.com, be sure you are logged out. Create a new account (I know, it's stupid) with the same email address as your current one. It does not seem to let you do this in-game if your email address is already in-use, the website; however let me.
1.5) This step may NOT be necessary, but I repeated step 1 on Gamespy so that I now have two nicknames for the same email address. The new nickname is what I used for Crysis 2.
2) Logged out of sites, started Crysis 2, and was able to log in with the new nickname and password I created. FYI, if you purchased anything via Steam or elsewhere for the Limited Edition, starting at lvl 5, etc, you'll probably have to go here to enable it, NOT in-game (because that's broken too apparently...along with the punch button from time to time , I've fixed that via alt-tabbing out/back in. Great): http://www.gamesas.com/redeemcode
I hope that this fixes your problem too...sad that I had to go through 2 different tech supports, wade through 35+ pages of forum posts, and then come here to get help from Blacklight and friends to fix my own problem. I actually work in tech support, I understand how these things can be a pain to fix, but we also announce problems and acknowledge issues as they occur.
These are the steps I went through to reach my resolution, none of which worked. Further down are similarities/hearsay I've read in these posts if it helps anyone.
Note: All accounts in question had the same nickname and the same password.
-Attempted changing password on gamesas, Crysis 2 login unsuccessful.
-Attempted changing password in Gamespy (both via client and on the website), Crysis 2 login unsuccessful.
-Attempted changing both passwords back, login unsuccessful
-Since EA support blamed Gamespy for causing the problem, I tried submitting a ticket to IGN, first ticket auto-closed, second ticket garnered 0 response...they svck...so much.
-Re-download and re-install Crysis 1, cannot log in with my original account. That password has changed from the gamesas and Gamespy accounts; however. This may actually be the problem, perhaps they're comparing old Crysis accounts to your current credentials, but those credentials don't match what your actual login is on the site...who the hell knows at this point (If you are all experiencing this and have a Crysis 1 account, that may get us somewhere, perhaps let us know if you're experiencing this without having an original Crysis account?).
Hearsay that may or may not be true from this and other posts I've read:
-I had read a few people that saw folks who created demo accounts in the first week (I certainly was one and am experiencing the issue). To fix this during demo, I created an account with a made-up email address but that isn't a fix for a real game now is it? I need my real email and account for the stuff I pay for people!!
-I have read that some people suspected strange characters, spaces, or capitalized letters may have been the problem. I've done extensive testing with this with password resets to all lower-case, nickname changes to all lower-case, etc. all to no avail (I cannot confirm for spaces or strange characters though, I keep those out of my logins for just this reason).