» Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:49 am
Hi, my name is EA Support. How may I help you?
Freyar: Hi, EA Support. I've yet to be able to log in to gamesas in Crysis 2 since the US launch. It's mildly frustrating since my Gamespy and gamesas account now use the same login and password, yet it's still returned as incorrect.
Freyar: I've tried to be patient and contact gamesas.com/support as well, but they aren't doing ANYTHING at all. There's no comments from Crytek in the forums about this, there's no response to my support ticket I sent in... it's like they're putting their hands over their ears and going "nah-nah-nah we've got your money, so we don't really care since you're in the PC demographic"
Freyar: I just want some word on what the hell's going on here. I've done everything I can on MY side, I'm tired of being ignored. Why did I spend $60 for a piece of software that I can't even log in to?
EA Support: What is the error message you're getting while trying to login into the game ?
Freyar: Paraphrasing, it's stating my login and password is incorrect.
EA Support: Have you created the new account at gamesas.com
Freyar: I created an account at gamesas.com for the beta, yet was unable to login using that account during that either.
Freyar: *demo, not beta
EA Support: Sorry but the servers are not available for demo version now
Freyar: No, no..
EA Support: You've to create a seprate account for the main game now
Freyar: Don't misunderstand please? I really don't have that much patience after Crytek has ignored EVERYONE with this problem.
Freyar: The gamesas account was created during the demo. This account was NOT able to log in during the demo, so I ended up not being able to play it.
EA Support: ok
Freyar: Now that I have a legitimate Steam distribution of Crysis 2, the gamesas account does not allow me to log in.
Freyar: I have checked Gamespy and IGN, both of which will not let me log in either.
Freyar: Even more pressing is my Limited Edition key is attached to my gamesas account named "Freyar" as well, so just making another account won't work.
EA Support: Are you able to play the single player mode of crysis
Freyar: Yes, but only if I skip logging in.
Freyar: http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=10954 (For reference)
EA Support: Please try to login on gamesas.com with your EA account
Freyar: "Sorry, invalid username or password"
Freyar: My EA account password and gamesas passwords are different for security reasons.
EA Support: Provide me your gamesas username please.
Freyar: Freyar
Freyar: http://www.gamesas.com/forums/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=305954
Freyar: The above is my profile page for gamesas.com
'EA Support' is currently 'Absent'. Approximately 120 seconds until disconnect.
'EA Support' is currently 'Active'.
EA Support: Are you still there ?
Freyar: Yes
Freyar: Looks like you got disconnected from me for a good minute or two.
EA Support: Yes it's due to some technical error.
Freyar: Sadly, it's pretty frequent when contacting you guys via chat, even if I'm at home.
EA Support: Have you tried creating a new gamesas account.
Freyar: No, I don't have another e-mail address to use for it.
Freyar: Nor would I want to since my Limited Edition key is registered to my existing gamesas account. On top of that, the name "Freyar" is me, mine.. it's what I go by.
EA Support: May I've the key ?
Freyar: The multiplayer key, or the Limited Edition DLC key?
EA Support: May I know on which platform you're ?
Freyar: PC
EA Support: Well the multiplayer key
Freyar: Crysis 2 Limited Edition Game Code: [REMOVED]
Freyar: I should have two activations used (since I play it on occasion at home and at work). The LE DLC is activated on gamesas.
EA Support: Have you registered your game yet ?
Freyar: Registered where? My understanding was that there were two steps to play. 1) Use the Multiplayer Code to activate the TAGES SolidShield DRM. 2) Register at gamesas.com for a multiplayer account.
EA Support: Yes I mean to say at gamesas .com
Freyar: At gamesas.com, I have created an account under the name of "Freyar". This account has my Limited Edition DLC code registered to it. The multiplayer code has not been submitted to gamesas.com yet as I am not aware what to do with it outside of activating the TAGES DRM and entering it in-game when logging in.
EA Support: Well sorry to inform you but you've to create a new account.
Freyar: Why?
Freyar: What happened to my account?
EA Support: There is some conflict between your mycrysic and IGN gamespy account.
Freyar: How do I fix that?
EA Support: You
EA Support: You've to create a new account
Freyar: That's unacceptable. My content is already tied to my existing account. How do you design a system that allows so many people to fall through the cracks here?
Freyar: I know I sound a bit irate, and I probably am.. but I'm REALLY getting tired of EA's systems always causing problems for me. SPORE, SPORE GA, Crysis 2, and even the SIMS
Freyar: Who do I need to give money to, to make sure this doesn't happen again?
Freyar: Why, as a PC player, is this such a problem?
Freyar: Why do I have to waste four days of my time (more if you count the demo) fighting with this poor implimentation?
Freyar: Even more frustrating, why am I paying MORE money for failed services?
Freyar: EA and Crytek BOTH have the money to do things right. If this were some smaller publisher and smaller development studio, I'd cut a break. But I can't because it's EA and Crytek.
EA Support: I apologize for the difficulty you experienced while playing the game but the server for this game maintained by IGN..
Freyar: Yet EA pays IGN for this, no?
Freyar: EA pays IGN (and subsequently, Gamespy) to deal with this. How is there NO oversight for EA on this?
Freyar: How is there NO method for EA to direct how this is managed?
Freyar: Should I consider a chargeback? Maybe lodge a complaint with the BBB, and consider discussing these problems with my federal representatives regarding the increase in prices versus decrease in support and services?
Freyar: I know it isn't your fault specifically, but as a company, EA is failing hard at keeping it's end of the bargain here.
Freyar: I paid for software to work. I followed the directions TO THE LETTER, and you're telling me that not only do I lose out on my online identity (the one I've had since 1999), but also lose out on content that was part of the advertised package?
EA Support: I'll provide you a new legitimate code for that game and you're able to register it with your new ID.
Freyar: How do I ensure that code is actively reflected in my Steam account?
Freyar: You know what.. forget it for now. I'll fight with it more on the forums, possibly get someone on a phone to speak to me on this issue. I know you're in a tight spot here, but I'm tired of EA giving me nothing but half-assed solutions.
'Freyar' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user').
Completely useless.