» Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:04 pm
I am having massive problems with this. As in the beta I was unable to login with any of the email addresses I normally use, even if they did not have a gamesas account, or even a Game Spy account, associated with them and thus I had to create a new Hotmail account to use. However now with the game that same account now no longer works. As such I created yet another new Hotmail account which I used to create this account, and am having to use to post this as non of the other accounts will let me post of the forums even though they will let me login fine, only to realise that somehow I managed to activate my Limited Edition code on the account I wanted to use originally and thus cannot tie it to this account. All this would be perfectly easily fixed if I could use my original account to play, or even if I was able to tie a new gamesas username to that email. I have tried changing password multiple times, using multiple browser in case it was a compatibility issue, all to no avail.
My question is simple, if you wanted to tie each copy of the game to one account or use accounts at all then why not use steam? Or EA accounts? Even GFWL works better than this messed up system.