I can't login to Crysis 2 game with my gamesas.com accoun

Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:05 am

From http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13529

Inside the game they not recognized my "ivandoomer" account created on gamesas.com website, so, I created another one, with same name and password, but I was still unable to redeem my limited edition code (the website said to sign in but I was already signed in).

So, I deleted my gamesas.com account and tried to create again, now, I still can login in the game, but I can't login or register that on gamesas.com website.

My registered e-mail is the same in all cases o.o

...and I can't just get my Limited Edition content ??

-- ok, gamesas database was f*cked --

It happens cause they haves 2 or 3 user databases.

Crysis 2 game, Drupal and phpBB.

When we opened the game, the Drupal database probably was overloaded and didn't offered usernames to the game. So the game didn't recognized the user and you could create a new user using same informations.

If you delete you gamesas.com (Drupal) account, they are not able to delete you phpBB account. So, you can't create another account with same information on gamesas.com (they say that your username and email is already on database, but Drupal does not recognise it as an account and does not autenthicate you, probably phpBB repopulated this DB)

I just don't know if phpBB and Crysis ingame account is the same database, but it's clear that lacks in validation processes messed up the gamesas account system.

Terrible. Terrible.


Now somebody ask: How can I logged on gamesas.com with my "ivandoomer" username?

When you try to login on website (drupal), they login you successfull on phpBB first and display an error that your account was not recognized later. Same thing when you try to recover your Drupal account using email in recovery password feature.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:50 pm

Same for me, I can login on the website (http://www.gamesas.com) but I cannot login in the game.
Come on Crytek, do something NOW !!!

Premium Edit. Code entered on this account with success but can't login in the game !
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:10 am

I'm logged in with another account
because with mine (the first) when I open the page of the forum or the EDIT PROFILE it's like I'm logged in and if I click on SIGN IN and I insert email and password I don't notice any errors but It's just if I did nothing!
well...but It's not ended! because obviously I cannot play my multiplayer because I do not have my username!
On the site when I am logged in my username it's my email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if I write it in the game like a username the letters of my email are too much and I cannot write all my email
I don't think that my username is like my email...I am sure of that...because it's too long
but the great problem is that I cannot edit my profile and write on this forum with my account, and so I cannot discover my username!! (and if I ask the mail for a new password they doesn't write my username on the mail!
What I have to do??? I had to use a new account to write here, but I have the serial key with other account....
thank you all, sorry for my english!

p.s can I delete my account?? HOW??? thanks
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:13 am

I'm logged in with another account
because with mine (the first) when I open the page of the forum or the EDIT PROFILE it's like I'm logged in and if I click on SIGN IN and I insert email and password I don't notice any errors but It's just if I did nothing!
well...but It's not ended! because obviously I cannot play my multiplayer because I do not have my username!
On the site when I am logged in my username it's my email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if I write it in the game like a username the letters of my email are too much and I cannot write all my email
I don't think that my username is like my email...I am sure of that...because it's too long
but the great problem is that I cannot edit my profile and write on this forum with my account, and so I cannot discover my username!! (and if I ask the mail for a new password they doesn't write my username on the mail!
What I have to do??? I had to use a new account to write here, but I have the serial key with other account....
thank you all, sorry for my english!

p.s can I delete my account?? HOW??? thanks
edit profile > account settings

haves a buttol called "delete account"

but it's in bug! if you delete your account, they will not allow you to register back with same user or email, cause this sistem deletes you from Drupal DB but not from phpBB DB o.o
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:00 am

I'm logged in with another account
because with mine (the first) when I open the page of the forum or the EDIT PROFILE it's like I'm logged in and if I click on SIGN IN and I insert email and password I don't notice any errors but It's just if I did nothing!
well...but It's not ended! because obviously I cannot play my multiplayer because I do not have my username!
On the site when I am logged in my username it's my email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if I write it in the game like a username the letters of my email are too much and I cannot write all my email
I don't think that my username is like my email...I am sure of that...because it's too long
but the great problem is that I cannot edit my profile and write on this forum with my account, and so I cannot discover my username!! (and if I ask the mail for a new password they doesn't write my username on the mail!
What I have to do??? I had to use a new account to write here, but I have the serial key with other account....
thank you all, sorry for my english!

p.s can I delete my account?? HOW??? thanks
edit profile > account settings

haves a buttol called "delete account"

but it's in bug! if you delete your account, they will not allow you to register back with same user or email, cause this sistem deletes you from Drupal DB but not from phpBB DB o.o

ok but with my account (not this....) I cannot go in EDIT PROFILE because if I click on it it's just like I'm not signed in!!!!! And if I try to log in it's just I do nothing! also if I continue to do it! write the email write the password sign in but it's like I do nothing!!!!!!!
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:00 pm

+1, wanna play the multiplayer... no chance. bought the nano edition... now I have a cool artbook & stylish figurine; but no game to play :P
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:22 pm

:sigh: This is what happens when developers just have to link accounts to forum accounts. I hate being excited to play a game and finding I can't thanks to crap like not being able to log in with the name I've been using since Crysis 1.
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:43 pm

Yep, same thing here also.

Note that the field says "nickname"; I don't have a nick here, nor I found where to enter one in my account settings.

So my nickname is the email address I used to sign up.

And the game keeps saying "incorrect login details", or something like that.

VERY frustrating...

BTW: is there a way to change that, I mean, to choose a nickname for myself? I have a feeling that, in my case, this is the problem.
You must create new account ingame. When creating the new account use the same email address you use here.
Should work

And it did work. :)

Thanks a bunch, kudos 2 you.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:10 pm

Ok, we'll look into this.
So im confused.... You say "Ok, we'll look into this." like its a new problem or something. Ive posted this same problem multiple times and have seen it posted by hundreds if not THOUSANDS of other people. I had my doubts after playing the demo, but it was already to late. I had already pre-ordered the game, the damage was done. Quite playing hard to get along with, fix the problem or I will gladly take a check on the amount that i payed for the game.

Sincerely- All of your let down Crysis fans
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Kari Depp
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:02 pm

Same here.

I CANNOT LOG IN!! What is Yerli Servat doing? I wasted hours trying already!!
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:19 pm

I pre ordered this game from TT-NET`s campaign on March 13.. We are proud with Cevat Yerli as all Turkish citizens, since he did great with those Crysis series.. But unfortunetaly this gamesas log in problem also occurs to me for 2 days, and i cant play multi... Hope Mr. Cevat can find a solution for this. The optimization is also better than the first game.. Looking forward to get this log in problem fixed.. Thnx Crytek 4 everything..
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:19 pm

Same problem here. The best part is that this was basically the same issue as the demo. /facepalm
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:35 am

You know I'm starting to think that it isn't the game to blame for the login issue, but this website. It doesn't seem to handle accounts properly.
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:25 pm

Never had a problem like this with steam, although EA games always give me trouble with logins.
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:42 pm

Hey, I have bought Crysis 2, and was super excited, but EVERY ***** TIME I try multiplayer, the hole Xbox just freeze.. the only thing i can do is to stop the hole thing.. I really wanted to play online with my friends.. i have even tried to delete crysis and playd it after but the same **** happens!

if anyone knoe how i can fix this, please tell me :/ !!!
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candice keenan
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:27 am

still can't login to multiplayer. Seriously.. we have this for weeks during the multiplayer demo and they said nothing. now they act surprised its happening in retail? Unforgivable.. and now we are 4 days into retail and still can't play multiplayer? any other company would be pulling all-nighters to at least release a beta patch to get people into multiplayer...

but if you look in the dictionary for the definition for "casual"; "slow" or "lazy".. I'm sure a picture of Crytek straddles the page with pride...
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Robert Jr
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:34 pm

Still can't login using my login information via in-game or to redeem code.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:08 pm

I have the same issue as many of you here. I redeemed my Limited Edition code while at work, eagerly waiting to get off to play. When I did so I had to log in with one set of log in credentials (gmail accound and password) then whenever I redeemed the code it asked for other login credentials at which point I entered in my same gmail credentials to no avail (this is while I'm logged into gamesas already) I then try with a yahoo mail account and password, and VOILA,it went through. After I finally get home, ready to jump headfirst into mp, I try to log in w/ every combination of credentials I could think of and NOTHING! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:35 pm

I can't log in either. When the demo was out, I created a new account with a yahoo mail, and it worked. But I want this nickname.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:04 pm

me too and maybe its cuz i have same nick and email for most of my logins gamespy gamesas etc i currently use a nick createt with a disbosable email :(
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:55 pm

AND i still can't log in with my gamesas account, AND the game won't remember my serial key. I haven't even been able to play the multiplayer yet! Have already redeemed the limited edition key so switching account is out of the question.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:10 pm

Still waiting Crytek, still waiting.

I'm really curious if Crytek is actually working on this, or if there is no solution and they are just stalling hoping that people will forget about it.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:22 pm

ich denke es ist folgendes Problem:

Ihr wollt euch mit dem Crysis account anmelden mit dem ihr auch die Bonis freigeschaltet habt.
Das geht aber nicht.
Im Spiel braucht ihr den Gamespy-Acount. Das klappt und die Bonis habt ihr dann auch.
Das hat bei mir geklappt.
Wir sehen uns auf dem Schlachtfeld

you try to login with your Crysis account you use at this homepage. that doesn′t work. try to use the GameSpy Account. That works fine.
See you on the Battlefield


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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:09 pm

Still waiting Crytek, still waiting.

I'm really curious if Crytek is actually working on this, or if there is no solution and they are just stalling hoping that people will forget about it.

The marketing team are actively watching these two locations:



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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:33 pm

Wow... WTF Crytek. It looks like it's a database issue. I had special characters in my pw... changed my pw to remove special characters and it worked fine.

Here is a possible temporary workaround for everyone while Crytek looks for a competent DBA to operate "gamesas": change your password to something that does not use special characters (I know, great way to promote security)
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