Or I guess a more accurate question would be is there any way to change which hand the left and right mouse buttons control?
Or I guess a more accurate question would be is there any way to change which hand the left and right mouse buttons control?
If you equip your weapon by going to your inventory, highlighting the weapon, then pressing the attack button on the left side (it's a trigger on the X-Box), then the weapon will equip in your left hand.
The problem being that shields can only be equipped on the left hand. Blame the fact that left-handed people used to be demonized on the dark ages.
Well, not really.
You can place a weapon in the left, but it's less effective. A shield can't go in the right.
I roleplay that my Necrolord, Hrafna, is left-handed. She's just more effective with a weapon in the right hand because that's the hand she trained with. (Although her latest version was a dual wielder sooooo...) I imagine that she'd write poetry and all that with her lefty.
You could make a lefty swordsman though, I briefly made a lefty Khajiit who used a sword and their right hand claw as backup...it worked well until a few levels in when the claw hand became too weak.
I gotta say though, the power attacks from a left handed blade look really awesome IMO. Especially while moving.
sword and punch? Never thought of doing that before.....
More likely, we can blame Todd and company for telling us that there is "much love for lefty's" prior to release, when in fact, there was none. THis has absolutely nothing to do with Earth history, Nirn is not Earth. This is all about a design decision made by the devs (for good or bad), nothing more, nothing less.
Tell me lies, Tell me sweet little lies~
@OP- Yea, you could equip a weapon in your left hand but, It won't be as effective.
Will a left handed weapon trigger kill cams?
I think so though I've never tried it before.
The video made me laugh a lot. Have you seen the ballad video?
actually, in the early dark ages there were just as much Left-handed people as right-handed
we evolved to be mostly Right-handed because of Shields actually
Soldiers would carry their Shield in the left hand so the Shield would be able to easily be able to block any attempted blows to the heart.. that was the main purpose of the Shield... and it contributed to human evolution and it is why we have many more right-handed people than left
as such, a shield in the right hand would kinda defeat the purpose a shield was designed for
This might make sense for a sword and board character...in fact, it does make some sense, but it still doesn't excuse the inability to use a bow and arrow as a lefty would, or even a two handed weapon.
I understand they would've had to have made different animations for the lefty's as well, but then this brings me right back to what Todd and company told us prior to release..."There is much love for lefty's." Now, I didn't believe a word he said back then, but it still svcks that he had to go shoot his mouth off about things that were premature...or just plain were never going to happen anyway.
I guess they use their left hand to hold their bows, I don't know.