Experience bonus and storage bonus? Sign me up!
Experience bonus and storage bonus? Sign me up!
Convert to Islam, then apparently you can marry four. Or convert to mormonism and move to Utah...
Well no ring is required for that, just proclaim yourself a girl IRL
Lol. As most married men (and probably married women, don't want to speak for you) will tell you, you are outnumbered already with just one wife.
This question leads to another question. If your spouse is a no good cheating cheater, can you get divorced?
Yep, you just dont get the ring back to give to another(sort of like real life there too)
alot of interesting questions you guys are proposing here ...
Lol. So much this. It's a game, I'm really not bothered what it signifies as long as I get the bonus. Not sure what the wife'd have to say about it though! lol
Huh. Would you look at that. Yep, four max if you can support them. I did not know that.
You're wrong on the mormonism thing though. Anyone pulling that stunt in the LDS church gets the boot *real* quick. Just because some messed-up groups in the deserts of utah do it and use our nickname, doesn't mean it has anything to do with us.
So, you can get a threesome going and triangle it up?
A gives ring to B
B gives ring to C
C gives ring to A
How does the exp. bonus work at this point?
What if B gives the ring A gave them to C, and then C turns around and gives the same ring to A. Does that cancel the bonus XP?
Release the game already. Weird stuff showing up every other day.
I married my buddy in game for the xp bonus. We both were well aware of the fact that we would apparently do anything for an xp boost...
We did both get permission from our RL wives though. Best part was I am a khajiit and made him a cat helmet afterwards, so he would look like a furry fetish freak.
Hah. Lotta gender humor here (never gets old, ok sometimes it does ), but AFAIK the actual answers are (information gathered all over the place, note that "facts" may change at any point
You can "Mara" as many people as you can get pledges for. And the Imperial Edition is not the ONLY way to get the pledge. You can also get it through a quest chain, although there's probably a level requirement for that so you can't do it right away. So yes, all kinds of polyamory are possible.
However, you can't benefit from more than one ring's bonus at a time.
Gender doesn't matter.
And there's no divorce: the pledge is forever.
How can "he" be a real female? Maybe I don't want to know.
Cause horses don't have fingers... can't put the ring on!
Has to be a consenting sentient species that understands what they are getting into.
While there are several different ones on Nirn and Tameriel, I don't believe monkey's qualify. Except perhaps the monkey-men of Akivir.
Looking for a real women to marry(In Game of course).