Can't Move AT ALL!

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:17 pm

My partner and I have been playing Fallout 4 on separate accounts, I had 14hrs and he had 22hrs of gametime. I was playing last weekend, doing the fort mission and I died but when I respawned my character couldn't move. I've tried loading old saves but none of them work, I can't fast travel or shoot, or use A. I've tried creating a new game and deleting all old saves but it's not working!
This has just happened to my partner as well although he can shoot and use A and fast travel.

I've tried contacting Bethesda support but they sent me an automatic email directing me to the FAQ's which I've searched for ages and no answer! I've read about this happening to people as soon as they get out of the cryo pod but not 14hours+ into the game?!

Any help would be appreciated as we both really want to complete the game!!

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