Hi, I have an issue where I can't move and there's no HUD (I can still move the camera around) after talking to Yes man. This happens when I'm ready for the Dam battle and he tells me "see you at the dam". The conversation stops but I can't move. Loading to the autosave and trying the conversation again gives the same issue. I tried going in other buildings and coming back to see Yes man later with the same issue. Anything I can do about that? Seems I can't finish the game!
This is the steam version on Win 7 (64).
edit: I tried the enableplayercontrols console command and while that does allow me to move again, I don't seem to have the follow up quest so I'm still unable to finish the game...
edit2: apparently I'm supposed to get a confirmation popup that I want to move on to the end of the game, I do not get this popup (that seems to be the cause of my problems...)