Okay, gave up on all the complications of trying to follow the Railroad line, instead I picked a line which made Institute hostile, and MinuteMen more friendly. This caused Railroad to say "we can't handle this any more, we need help from the MinuteMen", and send me away for now. BoS is already hostile long ago, so everything is resting on MinuteMen.
Problem is, I'm stuck in Form Ranks quest. Other sources are saying that I need at least 8 settlements recruited for this to progress; I have at least 9, including Sanctuary; all 9 have all the resources that they need (i.e., all resources show Green). But every time I talk to Preston, he just gives me another one or two of the endless "help the settlement with (ghouls/green men/raiders/etc)" quests, and after 100 or so of those in a row, I'm bored to tears and don't want to bother any more.
What is this quest waiting for?? Is this yet another quest that is tied to a quest in some other faction line??