In Semper Fi or Die, where you are extracting with Delta team, the soldiers keeps yelling out "MOVE UP, GO!!!". They call all the time, the only. At the end of the level, all NPC′s (Aliens & Soldiers) are gone, it is not possible to finish the level. Also play the level again brings the same result.
Do you have fraps, to record this? I've run into no issues in the single-player and would like to know where you're stuck. Maybe you're just overlooking something.
I haven't finished playing this level, but I can tell you that I had a bug on this level where all my AI team mates were yelling, "move up, go!" Repeatedly they would yell the same words in a loop. It wouldn't stop even when there was no one aroung. Very announcing. I had to load a previous save game and start the level over from a previous spot and I got to the same location it didn't do it this time. Some sort of glitch but reloading from a previous save seemed to fix the repeated yelling that was stuck in a loop. The yelling glitch happened after I cleared out the enemy and entered a building and as soon as I enter the building you can see a soldier dead sitting in a foot of water with his back against the wall but facing you as you come in. You turn right, then left and go straight. Turn left through a door to the open area and there is a hover ship that starts to shoot at you and more enemy comes at you at this time. Thats where the yelling glitch happened. Saying the same thing over and over and over in a loop.
I am also very annoyed that I can't save my nano catalyst credits to upgrade my weapons. It resets to zero every so often. This makes it so that I can never save 10000 catalyst. The most I had saved was 8000 when it reset to zero.
I'm stuck at the same situtation, they're yelling "move up, go" all the time and there are no more enemies or soldiers, there are just rifles hovering and shooting at invisble enemies, the invisible enemies shooting back at the hovering rifles...
Even reloading the level won't change anything, so I'm not able to play this game any further, the game ends here for me...
Same thing here, EXACT same situation. Crytek really needs to step up and fix this as quickly as possible !! It's ridiculous nobody is responding on this matter considering how many people are experiencing this bug.. Show some respect to your customers ! I've already experienced this on patch 1.1, did a re-install (so version 1.0) and still the same thing. Tried going back to a earlier save, no difference. Stayed with the marines the entire time, not wandering off, no difference. Drivers all up to date.
Crytek really needs to step up and fix this as quickly as possible !! It's ridiculous nobody is responding on this matter considering how many people are experiencing this bug..
U got sooo right... i want to play if i pay fpor the Product. And i think someone from the support have to Answer now! It make the Game unplayable!
Some people claim it's possible to finish this part of the game and move on bu jumping up the road behind the tail of the chopper. I tried but no luck....With some luck I can get up there, but i can't walk anywhere.. Just so frustrating.
Normaly it′s not my thing to cheat.... but maybe there is a way to skip the level and play it again after a patch. can i skip the level with console command ?? The weekend is near over ... and i like to play!
Finally found a work around for this bug. Got a savegame from a buddy who just passed this part and everything is working as it should now. Still complete **** from Crytek, but at least I am able to go on with this game.