I will take a look at the PS3 and 360 versions. And their respective texture sizes.
I wouldnt be surprised if they were the same, or only slightly better.
Adap fgt.
Got something to contribute? If all you could come up with for a handle was "iNullify", I doubt it.
Mis-worded my post, better now.
nexxusty .............................................. really
Anyways on topic:
Yes i do have something to contribute , i agree crysis 2 could of been better if it had taken advantage of the engine it was built on, but then surly you risk alienating the console player base from the get go , not that i really care too much been a PC gamer.
But the game is still good regardless , so i don't see why the mass biching and demanding of superiority above all other gamers all the time. No wonder people think pc gamers are elitest morons, rather not be painted with the same brush.
Yes some things were dissapointing with the release like:
- DX11
- Destruable envrioments
- Secondry objectives ?
But its not the end of the world like some make out , the SP was awesome. MP a little dodgy atm though