» Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:45 pm
This is probably what's happening to your connection (read below, taken from the update on the "Double XP Weekend" sticky in this forum):
If you have successfully applied the live update for the double-XP weekend, the news ticker will say: "Double XP all weekend! Jump online now to boost your rank..."
PC Players, please see this thread for information concerning the PC double-XP weekend: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=28632
Console players, as mentioned in the above PC thread, in order to download the live update for the double-XP weekend, you need to quit out of the Multiplayer menu, back to the Main menu and then reload the Multiplayer menu. So if you're already playing, please exit out of multiplayer then go back in to download the double-XP weekend update.
At this time, all players should ensure they exit to the main menu and re-enter the multiplayer menu. This is because you will then download the live update [when reloading the multiplayer section of the game] and will then be able to see all the updated servers. If you do not do this menu exit and reload step then you will eventually end up with no servers as all servers would have updated and the user has not, like what a normal patch would do."