Can we please fix Preston Garvey in the next patch?

Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:14 am

Yeah if you Google him being broken there is a YouTube vid of him not being accessible as a companion after offering the castle quest and it continues once the quest is completed. He just says generic crap like "Hi general," but you can't talk to him like a regular companion...i.e. no conversation wheel...

Probably the most upsetting glitch I have encountered on the PS4. There is no way to invite him as a companion and get his perk unless you did it before helping a few settlements and advancing his quest chain.

I would have preferred this was addressed over blue hair NPCs after bunker hill. It is especially more important than the stealth fixing of the caps exploit that was not even mentioned in the patch notes.

I am on PS4 so I can't console free caps or reset Preston's faction setting to make him available as a companion again after retaking the castle.

It's amazing that something so game breaking as a companion not being recruitable so early into a quest line was not noticed during testing.....

But thanks for squashing the blue hair and the exploits...
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Claire Jackson
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