What do you look for in games? What's your favorite game outside of TES series?
I have alot of games that I play outside of TES, Splinter Cell series, Assassin's Creed series, Half Life series. I like all kinds of games, FPS's, sports games, thinking games like Portal 2, racing game like TDU 2.
What do I look for in a game? It all depends on which genre of game I'm playing. If I'm playing TES, I want a game that makes me think and lets me create my own character and immerse myself into the game, not hold my hand from point a to point b and give me so much information that I no longer have to think about what I'm doing.
If I'm playing an FPS, I'm looking for the "Fun" value and the "Enjoyment" value. I'm also looking at the graphics, as those are important to FPS games. Those same criteria pretty much are used in any other game that I'm playing, other than TES RPG's. The story line is also important in some games, more than others. When it comes to RPG's I only play TES because no other RPG is as wide open and expansive as TES. No other RPG let's me play 7 different races or is as wide open as TES.
If I had to nail down a favorite game outside of TES it would have to be Splinter Cell, because I love the story line and up until the latest game I enjoyed the game play. Eidos did the same crap that Bethesda did with Oblivion, they Dumbed Down Splinter Cell Conviction to where the game itself was just a hollow shell of the former games.
What about those of us who think Daggerfall is the best in the series and Morrowind should have been better?
Morrowind and Daggerfall are 1 and 2 in my list of favorite games of all times. Daggerfall was great in the depth and scope that the game was. Morrowind was more unique and less "Cookie Cuttter" like.
I liked Morrowind better, but I also liked Daggerfall and those 2 games were the BEST of TES..