Can we please be more positive about a game we are all looki

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:27 am

A little bit of criticism is one thing, but some of the people here are being so negative and so critical, that they appear not to think Bethesda is capable of making a good RPG. If that's how they feel, then they are not good fans. Good fans will always give you the benefit of the doubt.

Honestly, i don't know what you were expecting. People need to vent. Thus forums were created.
Frankly speaking, I feel like deep down some of us are posting under the assumption that if enough negative momentum is gathered against some new feature Bethesda will eventually back down. Or twist a few bolts.

This is how I look at the more vocal posts on this forum. It's all fine by me.

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Dj Matty P
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:01 pm

A little bit of criticism is one thing, but some of the people here are being so negative and so critical, that they appear not to think Bethesda is capable of making a good RPG. If that's how they feel, then they are not good fans. Good fans will always give you the benefit of the doubt.

The thing about medium armor was about Velorien's comment, which I had not seen while I was making my last post. It wasn't directed at you, but at the person they were speaking to.

As far as what you've said about Oblivion, maybe you did like the game, but you are not giving that impression at all. Your previous posts have made it sound like you completely disliked it. If that is not the case, you might want to think about how you are wording things a little bit. :shrug:

Errhm, that is a very minor point of what I've been saying, so why dwell on it? Yea Oblivion was a disapointment, thats the important part in this context, I don't need to say "yea but I did like this" because that is utterly pointless when im using OB as an example of how Beth can indeed make a game worse than the one before it
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:32 am

You are internalizing people's concerns and misinterpreting them as negativity. Having concerns about how a game you have been waiting years for is not to be confused with negativity. Seems a bit soap box-ish of you though. Why does it even effect you at all? It really shouldn't. People in this world are going to have different opinions than your own and you cannot change that so don't fight it. If you want more positive threads then start some "Fun" threads of your own. If people come in and troll it then report them like I do. But chillax.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:08 am

A little bit of criticism is one thing, but some of the people here are being so negative and so critical, that they appear not to think Bethesda is capable of making a good RPG. If that's how they feel, then they are not good fans. Good fans will always give you the benefit of the doubt.

I agree, for the most part. Constructive criticism is fine and dandy, but a lot of people just hurl insults at Oblivion and at the idea of Skyrim. It's aggravating to hear a game like Oblivion that you love or a game like Skyrim that you're excited about get insulted or put down, especially repeatedly, which I think was the cause of this topic being made.

Yeah they took a misstep, openly said 'Opps! I took a misstep', and then told us they've removed attributes, birthsigns, athletics and acrobatics. Last time they removed a bunch of stuff, I thought 'nah, it'll still be as good as the last one!', and it wasn't. Can you then see, how I might not be as willing to believe that again? Todd literally is the boy who cried wolf.

Concerning merging blade skills etc, I just didn't see the need. I always think the more customization the better, especially in an rpg! I could list other things they 'streamlined' from morrowind to oblivion too - no clothing under armour, or robes on top of armour, no crossbows, staves, spears blah blah blah.. I could go on for a while here...

p.s - I find it hard to imagine an optimistic realist, as by definition a realist considers no flights of fancy whatsoever - otherwise how could he ever determine truth? : P. Optimism is simply being positive about future events with no inclination that future events will be positive - not a good trait to have when attempting to determine the true quality of a thing.

If you really thought everything that was removed from Morrowind to Oblivion was a mistake, then yeah, I can see how you would be pessimistic about it, and I fully believe that you'll be disappointed by Skyrim as well, mostly because I thought a lot of the things they removed from Morrowind were good choices (not all of them, mind you) and the changes to Skyrim sound even better.

Of course the more customization the better, but skills and attributes are arbitrary things. I'd rather have what I'm actually doing in-game matter more than what points I'm distributing in menus. The less time I spend in menus and the more time I spend in-game, even better still.

And realists are never optimists or pessimists, they stand in the middle and then lean toward one or the other based on what realistically seems more likely. I'm ultimately leaning toward optimism with Skyrim, but I certainly have my doubts and acknowledge the pessimistic view.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:59 am

I think 99% of people who visit these forums share a common hope and desire that Skyrim will be a great game. We just have different ways of expressing our anticipation. Some people like to post information they have gleaned from the web, some just want to share their excitement, others like to voice their concerns on some aspect we have learned.

If I see a topic i'm not interested in, I just don't open it.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:13 am

Here's my over all view, in the best words I can think of to explain my opinion (which isn't right or wrong, as I've said. I've hardly been the one criticizing other people's perspectives, because I tend to see both sides of the debate). Of course there were many things in the other games that disappointed me, and of course I am pretty sure there will be plenty to be disappointed about with Skyrim. That is to be expected with anything...

And I certainly understand that people hope that their complaints will be heard and their ideas considered. I agree that a good developer will listen. But we have to remember that they cannot please everyone, and to expect them to cater to all your wishes is quite unrealistic....

Now, I know I will not be entirely satisfied with Skyrim. But I try not to spend all my time dwelling on the things I might not like, and I'd rather focus on what I will like. It's like this: when you think everything is dark and gloomy, then yes--everything is dark and gloomy. You are not incorrect, because that is what you are seeing. But if you try to alter your perspective a little, and look for the things that will make you happy, you will be able to enjoy things a little more. And I'm not accusing anyone of being dark and gloomy all t he time--this is merely an example, and I'm sorry if anyone has felt singled out by me, because that was not my intention.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:59 am

What I'd say is, let people voice their opinion. We don't want this to end up like the Bioware forums where if you talk bad about the game you get banned, or when ever you think something is wrong you are trolling somehow.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:05 am

People should spend some time in the Fallout 3 forum, that place is a Zen paradise of calm. As for Skyrim, obsession often breeds nihilism. :angel:
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:00 am

I for 1 can be positive about this game, I am positive that I will love it be it flawed or not, I will not judge it by previous titles or other games, I will love it because I love all TES and beth games (except wet, hated that game), there may be aspects of the game that I love less then others and maybe even some I down right just dont or wont like, but I guarantee that I will lose sleep with this game, and spend well over 500 hrs on it as I have done with every TES game thus far.

Now having said that I will tell you what I dont like lol,... I dont like the less then trickle of info we have received on this game and the way in which some people think we keep getting new info ,... no we dont !!! they keep telling us the same stuff over and over and many just seem to hear pieces of info then thinking we getting new info ,... please read all releases b4 stating that info is new when it is weeks old ,.... we discuss the heck out of minor details and that rocks but we should get a steady week release of info instead of 1 little release of info a month with 2 pics ,... my reason is this a small game (say a 8 hr linear game due out at the same time distance) would release more info on their game then we are having released to us on a game that has hundreds of hours of game play (in an open sandbox world) ,... I am not seeking massive amounts of info, rather a steady trickle of pics and concept art with a tiny bit of info weekly,.. dont think that is too much to ask is all,,, I am already sold bought the game already and everything so come on tease me with a trickle dont starve me then tease me that makes me angry and resentful. JMO
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:14 am

Considering Beth's track record going from MW to OB, means that I have no reason whatsoever to assume that they'll make a general improvement, so I'm gonna stay skeptical.

Thats a bit harsh since their actual track record of improvement up to morrowind was very good, one slip with Oblivion is nothing to get all skeptical about.

I mean look at Ford ................Sierra..............Escorts.............. Fiesta, then the slip-up being the KA <------- what the hell was the KA? then back on track with the Focus..........Mondeo etc.

I honestly enjoyed Oblivion, yes not as much as Morrowind, but a hell of a lot more than any other game out there right now.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:54 pm

What I'd say is, let people voice their opinion. We don't want this to end up like the Bioware forums where if you talk bad about the game you get banned, or when ever you think something is wrong you are trolling somehow.

That is because Bioware svcks hairy monkey cheetooes, I wish they would sell the rights of mass effect to beth ,... they would do it right !!!!
BTW they gonna ruin the star wars genre for sure with an mmo that has an ending ??? and parts are actually linear ???
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:50 am

I really will be happy with whatever Beth gives me on 11.11.11. 'Nuff said.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:30 pm

I for 1 can be positive about this game, I am positive that I will love it be it flawed or not, I will not judge it by previous titles or other games, I will love it because I love all TES and beth games (except wet, hated that game), there may be aspects of the game that I love less then others and maybe even some I down right just dont or wont like, but I guarantee that I will lose sleep with this game, and spend well over 500 hrs on it as I have done with every TES game thus far.

Now having said that I will tell you what I dont like lol,... I dont like the less then trickle of info we have received on this game and the way in which some people think we keep getting new info ,... no we dont !!! they keep telling us the same stuff over and over and many just seem to hear pieces of info then thinking we getting new info ,... please read all releases b4 stating that info is new when it is weeks old ,.... we discuss the heck out of minor details and that rocks but we should get a steady week release of info instead of 1 little release of info a month with 2 pics ,... my reason is this a small game (say a 8 hr linear game due out at the same time distance) would release more info on their game then we are having released to us on a game that has hundreds of hours of game play (in an open sandbox world) ,... I am not seeking massive amounts of info, rather a steady trickle of pics and concept art with a tiny bit of info weekly,.. dont think that is too much to ask is all,,, I am already sold bought the game already and everything so come on tease me with a trickle dont starve me then tease me that makes me angry and resentful. JMO

Now this I can agree with. They haven't given us much, and they've really teased us more than they need to....

Thats a bit harsh since their actual track record of improvement up to morrowind was very good, one slip with Oblivion is nothing to get all skeptical about.

I mean look at Ford ................Sierra..............Escorts.............. Fiesta, then the slip-up being the KA <------- what the hell was the KA? then back on track with the Focus..........Mondeo etc.

I honestly enjoyed Oblivion, yes not as much as Morrowind, but a hell of a lot more than any other game out there right now.

Excellent point, which is more or less how I feel about it. No, I wasn't so happy with the other ES games that I see no flaws. But they are still better than any other game I've ever played, in my opinion. So, when I say that I know I am going to be happy with Skyrim, I am not being overly optimistic--they would have to make a pretty big mistake to make TES games less than the best I've ever played--flaws and all. :D
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:23 am

Thats a bit harsh since their actual track record of improvement up to morrowind was very good, one slip with Oblivion is nothing to get all skeptical about.

I mean look at Ford ................Sierra..............Escorts.............. Fiesta, then the slip-up being the KA <------- what the hell was the KA? then back on track with the Focus..........Mondeo etc.

I honestly enjoyed Oblivion, yes not as much as Morrowind, but a hell of a lot more than any other game out there right now.

Well I wouldn't say DF to MW was a improvement. Unless your talking about Battlespire-Redgaurd-Morrowind then it's an steady improvement.

Arena (base)- Daggerfall (OMG! This is awesome so much better than Arena)- Battlespire (lol, what is this, wow you completely dropped the ball)- Redguard (Well its better than BS, lol)- Morrowind (There we go, that's what I needed. No DF though...)- Oblivion (Yeah, I enjoyed that)
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:38 am

Problem; i was feeling exited for oblivion.


Also I'm not all nostalgia glasses if i was i would say arena was the best but i personally go.

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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:23 pm

There's been negativity? WTF?
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:08 pm

There's been negativity? WTF?

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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:21 am


Actually, people are indeed complaining a lot about the game. We should be enthusiastic and praise everything we see.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:31 am

Im positive when I feel positive. Skyrim isn't making me feel positive. I accept that I am no longer the desired fan base, and I have accepted that. I may or may not purchase the game. But we are all entitled to our opinion. My opinion is negative, and Bethesda needs to know how many people feel this way. My negativity is certianly not inappropriate.

Imagine a world with nothing but positive feedback. Nothing would be good...
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:06 pm

Im positive when I feel positive. Skyrim isn't making me feel positive. I accept that I am no longer the desired fan base, and I have accepted that. I may or may not purchase the game. But we are all entitled to our opinion. My opinion is negative, and Bethesda needs to know how many people feel this way. My negativity is certianly not inappropriate.

Imagine a world with nothing but positive feedback. Nothing would be good...

I haven't seen anyone say there should be nothing but positive feedback. Those who have said it, I assume, were being sarcastic... :rolleyes:
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saharen beauty
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:35 am

When only one point of view is expressed in print, this usually is called censorship. I think some dictatorships practice this. Are you trying to dictate my concerns ? :smile:

EDIT: The above is a rhetorical question made in jest.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:08 am

When only one point of view is expressed in print, this usually is called censorship. I think some dictatorships practice this. Are you trying to dictate my concerns ? :smile:

No one is trying to censor your point of views, so...the answer is no.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:52 am

Anyone else going to love whatever Beth gives them on 11.11 like me?
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:57 am

Anyone else going to love whatever Beth gives them on 11.11 like me?

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:31 am

Anyone else going to love whatever Beth gives them on 11.11 like me?

I Second that :goodjob:
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