Okay... I might as well lob my two cents in here, as long as Leydenne hasn't yet locked it (and by the bye, that ignore feature is a fine thing indeed - you were right as always

I've criticized some of the things Beth has chosen to do with this game fairly heavily - to the point that I get (as others have gotten and will get) "Well why don't you just stop playing TES games if you hate them so much?"
I don't bother to even comment on games that I hate. The only ones that are even worth commenting on are the ones I love, and particularly when the ones I love could have been so much better. That's what really fires me up - it's akin to looking across a beautiful lawn and seeing a weed growing up in the middle of it. If the whole thing is a weed-infested vacant lot, then who cares? It's only when that weed is a glaring exception that it matters.
When I first played Oblivion, I made it as far as the Unfriendly Competition quest (the first quest I did) and discovered that an omniscient journal had taken the place of in-game information and a magic GPS unit had taken the place of directions, and turned it off in disgust. Just started walking across the lawn and BAM - already - weeds.
When I finally tried again (actually a third time, but I won't bother detailing the part that made me turn it off in disgust again the second time I played it), and finally managed to ignore the weeds, I found that the rest of the lawn was actually quite nice. Since then, I've put well over 1,000 hours into the game, spread over a couple of dozen different characters. Right before I came here, I was following along with a new character who's just left Chorrol, heading back to the IC. I sincerely love the game.
But that doesn't mean that the weeds just vanished. They're still there. I've learned to mostly ignore them, but they're still there. And you know? My opinion is that I shouldn't have to learn to ignore them. They really shouldn't be there in the first place.
So when I see something that looks like Beth planting a weed in the middle of their lawn, again, I comment on it. Does that mean I hate TES? Of course not. It means that there's really no reason for there to be weeds in the middle of their lawn, and if nothing else, maybe enough people pointing and saying, "Look - a weed!" might make some difference, if not on this game, then on the next one.
Well... that and I just have a lifelong habit of anolyzing things, then foisting my anolyses on other people, which habit the internet has, probably to my detriment, greatly encouraged......