Can we PLEASE stop with the constant whining?

Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:43 pm

Seriously. All I ever see is "WORST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "I'm disappointed in you, Crytek", "Achieved with CryEngine 3? What was achieved?" or "Another s**tty port. Thanks, Crytek.".

The game's got issues. All games have issues. And it took them merely just over a week to release a patch with about 10-20 fixes. Oh, I'm sorry, wasn't that quick enough for you? What'd you want them to do, release a patch an hour after any bug is found? It takes them time to find out the exact conditions that cause the bug. They have to play through the conditions reported the most by the players with their QA team for hours on end, until they can constantly achieve the bug. Then they have to figure out how to fix the things that cause the bug to happen. Then they have to submit it to Microsoft and PlayStation Network. Then they have to wait for it to get verified before being uploaded. Getting the message now?

Also, a majority of the problems can be linked to lag, which will obviously be sorted out over time rather than instantly. Lag isn't something that can be fixed at the flick of a switch: It takes several weeks of server or game optimisation (depending on how the connections is made) before we start to notice a difference. If you want proof of that you need look no further than Gears of War 2. That game took 6 title updates before the servers were no longer nerfed. And in their current state the issues with Crysis 2's multiplayer are nowhere NEAR as bad.

Everyone's also saying the visuals are worse than the original. HELL no. Yeah, it svcks the graphic options have been stripped down to barely anything on the PC version. It svcks even more that the DX11 patch is 2 months away. I'll agree, Crytek have somewhat abandoned the PC community. But it has a much more CGI-like look when compared to Crysis. Crysis, I admit, has the more beautiful environments, but it looks more gamey. Crysis 2 on the other hand looks more like a top-quality animation than a video game. And Crysis 2 seems to be a helluva lot better optimised as well.

So please, respectfully STFU and wait.

Or you can just sell the game. Then you don't have to whine, and we don't have to hear you whine. Problem solved. :)
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:39 am

Im fairly happy with the game, I have my complaints and my issues but you know where I put those?

YESSSSS thats right I put them in the "collection of issues" thread which has been stickied or that very reason, amazingly the developers stated that they would take note of that forum and use it as an official reference point.

All these morons who claim its an unfinished game and that its unplayable are grossly over exaggerating, It has Host migration issues and Host selecting issues, thats it! if its red bar or yellow bar Leave and find another game!

Weapon balancing, didnt a developer state in another forum that they are monitoring the weapon useage and determining which weapons are slightly too good i.e the Scar, and which are underpowered I.E Marshall, L - Tag (in my opinion).

The thing is even those this game does have issues its still a great game.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:03 am

these threads are worse than the ones whining, its like your saying its ok for games to be released before they are actually finished.

So OP please STFU.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:21 am

these threads are worse than the ones whining, its like your saying its ok for games to be released before they are actually finished.

So OP please STFU.

It's not unfinished though.

That's like complaining Blade Runner is an unfinished product because when Zhora runs outside she changes from flat-heel shoes to high-heels. Who gives a s**t?

And again, these problems are being fixed. If you can't wait and just wanna keep going "IT'S AN UNFINISHED PRODUCT I PAID £40 FOR THIS" hurry up, sell it and get out of my face.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:15 pm

seriously, stop complaining about everything you find wrong with the game. If it angers you so much you have to cry about it online, then maybe you shouldn't play it anymore. Idiots
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:29 am

Exactly. If it's as bad as you say, stop playing or sell the game?

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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:27 pm

COMPLAINING HELPS, how do you get a better game next time... oh this was perfect?
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:53 am

COMPLAINING HELPS, how do you get a better game next time... oh this was perfect?

Close. This is genuinely the best FPS of this generation (notice I say FPS and not overall game, I'm still undecided between BioShock and Mass Effect 2 in that regard) in my opinion. CoD has tighter controls, but it's nowhere near as enjoyable. Crysis 2 gives you so many more tactical options. Also, the environments are WAY more varied and unique in the single player campaign, as well as being double the length.

Oh yes, and multiplayer. CoD is frustrating as hell to me because there are so many cheap tactics that everybody employs. Camping, noob tubing... The list goes on. In Crysis, on the other hand, there are very few frustrating tactics. Camo could be, but because everybody does it it isn't a problem. The only time multiplayer frustrates me is when connection issues are the cause of cheap deaths, which it is 90% of the time.

So feel free to complain about bugs or glitches with multiplayer. But don't make 3265458235632 threads complaining about the exact same topics or just calling the game awful in general.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:10 pm

Anybody who has made a post on these forums about this game in a negative way needs to sell the game. Complaining is different from constructive criticism. The people in these forums who bich every day about the game need to either sell the game and move on, or stop complaining, or do it in a less.. threatening way if you will. The majority of biching about this game has always included some type of.. "I'm gonna trade it in!" or.. "I basically flushed $60 down the toilet!" Be helpful and less of a burden. It is SO SO annoying reading these demands by the angry consumer. Sit back, cause you aren't in control, nor will you EVER be.

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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:02 pm

Yup. But I'm glad to see they're in the minority.

Yes, you. You just svck at the game. Seems like 60% of us are actually having fun with the game and enjoying it. So you're just in the two fifths that svck.

Stop whining and sell the game, or just wait.
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