Thanks guys,

It's reassuring that I'm not the only one with that problem
Odd it's just in Winstad that it happened
On my side I got impatient, and reloaded the game just before I built.
I already had most materials because of leftovers from Heljarchen Manor
So I'm not really starting from scratch
I'll try rebuilding slowly, one room at a time and immediatly disabling the workbench
First time arround, because I had all the materials,
I built all the outside (halls, wings, etc) and then disabled all workbench
and started building the interior from there
I thought it may have been the cause
***Open the console, click on the workbench, type disable.****
Wouldn't that disable it forever ?
Like all my manor, I'm still strugling to get all those amulet for the shrines
But I prefer to have all workbench disabled untill I got a full enought stach of new material
for awkward stuff like sabrecat tooth, large antlers, and of course those amulets.
It's just my way to make sure I don't get more than one workbench up at a time
Especialy in Windstad because the trophy room is full of scripts
I'm thinking of delaying building those trophy bases until I got the material to finish them
It's funny, my computer has no issue running on Ultra, Hearthfires seems to add some extra stress, maybe on the cpu side
***you should have no trouble removing them***
yep, they're ok. I just meant the bug showed up, it usually never show up when only one workbench area is active
So I was surprised and wondered what caused it to show up
I just exited the menu, activated that workbench and it was normal again
I assumed the trophy room trophy bases is what put on extra stress
they must be scripted too
***The bug with the internal workbench list resetting is only a problem if you waste all your materials making what you have already made***
Yep, I got that on my test character. I'm more carefull now.
*** If you want to try a possible workaround for a stuck workbench, you can try enabling the cellar workbench,
accessing the outside workbench as if you were still building the house, and then try removing the cellar workbench. That worked a few times for me,***
you mean activating the cellar workbench might reset it state,
allowing the exterior carpenter workbench to do its job correctly ?
I didn't try that. If I get that same bug again on my attempt to rebuild Winstad,
I'll keep that in mind.
For now I'm crossing my fingers and hope all goes well this time arround.
I might even go hunting those deeers and sabrecats to make sure everything is
as finished as possible before I do the wings and cellar
Now that you mentioned it, I wonder if the fact that, despite disabling the workbench,
most rooms had a lot of unbuilt stuff may have had a negative impact
***its the only work bench that won't remove from mine even though it says its removed.***
yep, it was doing the same thing for me. no crash. still anoying.
that barel beind the workbench s my official dwemer junk container, in all houses
so the workbench is really anoying for me

all my houses share a sort of common organisation, so I don't get lost
and then each have its speciality (armory, alchemy, enchanting/library)
but that speciaity affect mostly the wings
Again, thanks for the feedback. I was worried I did something really wrong there.
Third manor, finally !