Left, did some other stuff, advanced NCR quests and then got For the Republic, part 2: go and deal with the Great Khans.
So returned to them, finished up the plot, presented the evidence about Karl, and convinced the Khan's to break their alliance. Went with the 75 speech check about them having no legacy.
Oh My Papa quest completes. For the Republic, part2, does not update. Spoke to papa khan and Regis and neither of them have any further options. Returned to Moore, and there is no option to update her about the quest -it assumed I am still doing it, and the quest log tells me to 'deal or destroy' with the khans still.
However, my Wild Card quest says I can return to Yes Man to tell him the Khans will sacrifice themselves. But this won't advance For the Republic, leaving me stuck.
I don't have a save that won't involve losing about 8 hours worth of gameplay, which I am not willing to do. Are there any options to resolve this, including use of console commands to trigger this section of For the Republic complete and advance it to the next one with the Ormetas?