I'm just hoping that the min requirements stay nice and "minimum". Not all of us have 8800/9800's. :cryvaultboy:
Considering we don't know the minimum system reqs yet, I don't think anyone can safely and accurately answer this question.
We can guess especially sense it's a multiplatform game with the 360 as the target platform and the engine is a updated engine from the previous game.
Skyrim will probably be one of the best looking games in terms of this department. Just look at how amazing it looks on a Xbox 360, and that would be the equivalent of a medium range PC.
That would be an equivalent of an entry level pc pretty much a dual core/4gb's ram/8800gt, and that would probably look better than the 360 version so expect some prettyness on a midrange (quad, 64bit os, 6-8gb's ram, 450) but then again we dont know to much about PC features other than high rez textures, AA, and draw distance. The DX11 feature mention has to do with performance (which in of itself is an AWESOME FEATURE) so it may be worth it just to get a DX11 card especially when mods start to roll.
Do you realize 9800s now cost $70?