I just read the specs & the Recommended one seems to be quite high. I have dual Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 video cards with at least 1 GB of Video RAM total, an Intel 2.67 GhZ CPU, & 6 GB of regular RAM, will I be able to run this game on High settings? I can run Crysis 2 (and most other games) on High (Extreme in Crysis 2) at 1920 x 1280 resolution. I can run Crysis 1 in 1280 x 720 resolution. What do you think will be the highest setting my PC can handle for Brink? Am I better off getting it for the X-Box 360 (in 1080i HD)? Any info on this stuff would be greatly appreciated. How big is the difference between a 460 & 295 video card?
If you can run Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 that high I'm pretty sure you can run Brink on highest settings.
Awesome! Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. I was worried that my video card was too old.
EDIT: I may have done Crysis 1 on Medium settings (not 100% sure of this), but I know that Crysis 2 was definitely on Extreme (aka the highest) setting and it ran fine in 1920 x 1280 resolution.
With those specs, you could run it on high, but I don't know how playable it would be. You might only get 30-40 FPS with that, but if you're fine with your framerate taking a hit, then go for it.
With those specs, you could run it on high, but I don't know how playable it would be. You might only get 30-40 FPS with that, but if you're fine with your framerate taking a hit, then go for it.
I don't mind playing at 30 FPS, as long as it is a stable 30 FPS.