i can safely say...

Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:20 pm

So instead of something different you want the exact same thing every other shooter has.

SO what your saying is you DIDN'T read about the game and see that they said there WASN'T any TDM in it? I know i always research a game and read about the features be for i blow $60 on it...

This. :facepalm:

I lol'd. :P It appears to me that the main set of people complaining about the game are the ones who wanted it to be like every other FPS game on the market. It's not...deal with it. If you feel you've wasted your money on it, trade it in and go buy one of those FPS games where little to no brain power is needed. The rest of us will continue to play and support Brink. It kills me that people like MrBigBoy think that there WON'T be add-on content that enhances the game further.

Why should those gametypes have come with the game? :shrug:

Everyone I quoted (maybe even 2x).....you think this game is worth $60? You think the story was strong? The story was in-depth? The multiplayer is groundbreaking?


BFBC2 incorporates environment and class based fighting. CoD does the same. Maybe not to the T that TF2 did, but classes and tactics play a part in those games.
The slogan pushed by the company was "Revolution". There was no revolution. They wanted to escape. Not revolt. Not take over. Leave the ARK. Maybe the slogan should have been "ESCAPE with Brink" because the story does that....escapes the mind once you get to the next chapter. It's forgettable and unfortunate at best.

$60 and we got a 3 hour game on regular difficulty. 2hrs on easy. And ridiculous to play on hard with the ignorant AI. Gears of War 1 and 2 played out with an EPIC story line that most can't wait to see next. HALO did the same. Heck, even Black Ops had a decent story to it. This game (which is based SOLO, CO-OP, and MULTI) has a forgettable story. I would rather play more 4v4 challenges with friends then the linear 'story' mode. Cause face it. Jumping over, sliding under, or walking past the same bridge is just a not enough variety for what I thought I was buying.

Don't really devoted fan a game. Opinions are that, opinions. Wanting more is the human condition. Just look at the world.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:44 pm

But you're perfectly fine with games like CoD and Battlefield giving you just a few maps and charging damn near $20 for them? With the way Brink is structured, SD can EASILY give us bonus mission and maps for a cheap price. As many stated in this very thread, we knew that this wasn't going to be a "conventional" FPS game. But we bought it anyway. I think we all can say this isn't a CoD Killer, but what it is...is a rock solid alternative from the rest of the pack...that offers a unique perspective on the genre that's entertaining to play. I see and understand your statements, but they don't seem very compelling. It all falls back to what a couple folks in this thread said...you failed to do your research on the game, and purchased it thinking it'd be another cookie cutter FPS experience.

Yes, cause that same map has 10+ modes to play.....from hardcoe to core, from S&D to HQ. So what is the great part of a game that gives 8 maps with the same gameplay w/role-reversal? Cause CoD and BF both give variety WITH role-reversal.

I can't believe alot of people are defending this game like this. This is a $39 game at best. With DLC costing 400-800 ($5 to $10). At best. How you might ask? Cause we have 10 maps with 10+ game modes SHIPPED with CoD. That's 100 ways to play the game. For $60. Brink is 8 maps with 2 modes. That is 16 ways to play 8 maps cause the objectives are the same no matter what you play. Don't give me class crap. It's objective based yes.....but single main objective means its not variety that wins. One class, at a given time, wins the match. Not 4. You switch roles AFTER an objective is completed. BF is the same way. Certain areas need certain classes to take them easier. Not specifc classes though.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:41 pm

who wants two just play the same to crappy objective modes over and over were is CTF... Some kind of variation of Domination I meen this game didnt come prepared for online multiplayer at all

Again, I understand your stance on the lack of game modes, and in a sense I kind of agree. I too wished they had a couple more options as far as game modes. But again, we'll get them over time. Does it svck that we have to pay for them? Yes. But that's just the nature of the industry today. Release a game, patch it like hell to improve the bugs, add on to the experience via DLC. But to say the game svcks because of it? Not very intuitive. Is Brink perfect? Not in the slightest. But it is fun to play, and it has potential. I see you mentioned Domination, so that means you've played MAG. I'm a long time MAG player. Been in the game since Beta. MAG was on the same boat as Brink when it released if you remember. Only 3 maps per PMC, same objectives every single time you played. Sound familiar? MAG is NOT a pretty game. It's crude in appearance and execution...but it's fun and addictive once you master the learning curve and experience it how it was meant to be experienced. Again, sound familiar?

Like MAG, Brink will add new stuff in time. Some might be free, some might not be. But much like MAG, it will come, and those who stick around will reap the enjoyment of the add-ons made. You can either enjoy the game for what it is now, and wait for it to become even more down the road, or you can pull out of The Ark now and go get your FPS kicks somewhere else. Pretty simple solution.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:45 pm

I havent really cared much for the story of FPS games, only SP I actually thought was really good was Halos. Im normally careful when I buy a game the only game I regret was MW2 which I did absolutely no research on which isnt the case for Brink, I like traditional game modes as much as the next guy (aside from TDM I find it plain boring) but I already knew they wouldnt be present and I can deal with that. At the end of the day if you made the decision to buy the game and ended up disliking it then its most likely that you bought the game out of hope rather than good reason.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:45 am

TL:DR see below
Dont get exicted for a game, months ahead of time. Unless its Battlefield3 [For the ladys of class, style and for the gentlemen of distinction and those of who have carried rifles in hostile foreign lands] OR the next Call of Duty [For the drones]. Research your purchases and know what you want and what you like before you buy. Some of you have been following this game like a hawk for months and low and behold it wasnt custom made fullfill all your desires. I watched BRINK from afar the past few months, looked interesting. Thought Bulletstorm was going to be the bomb. No multiplayer matches, deal breaker??? WTF But i didnt buy it because i RESEARCHED my purchase before hand. Nor did i go to the Bulletstorm forum and whine, complain and demand the game be changed to my personal expectations. Been busy doing things far from here for a while. I get back and Brinks coming out in a week. I researched the game, seemed to be along the lines of what I would like. A week later I was right, because I know myself and know what I like to play. Rule2: Know thyself

Im am not a really devoted fan of this game. Followed it for a week before release and it surpassed my expectations, has some flaws and techinical issues. The core gameplay is solid, refresh and has implimented some new excellent ideas. If you dont see that you not looking or are not very perceptive, or this maybe is just not you thing. COD is a good game too, not my thing because its the same game year after year with minor improvements. Solid game but vastly overrated. But if you dig it cool go play have a blast. Sell it at gamestop or on craiglist, someone else will enjoy it. At lot of us are in fact. BRINK is at least different. I give this game a 9.75 because it did what expected, some things that surprised me and there is still much more too learn. The cherry on top was camping Is POINTLESS. Deathmatch is everywhere else even Battlefield, to cater to the COD crowd. For me it always has to more than point and shoot. I got to fight for, or over something. I like to have as many options and tools to do that with. Brink delivers that. No death match thats your bad. That was made abundant clear far before the release date.

I understand your pain and have bought a crappy game without researching and had the attitude of "Whoa this game looks cool". But that was only one game and one game only, look it up it's called Conflict Denied OPs. Metacritic score 51, only one score above 70 at 75. lowest score 30. 1-up gave this game a 25. Funny how a shooter game that only lets you use one gun throughout the campaign, universally agreed as rubbish by critics and didnt break 75 somehow didnt recieve a score as low this game, which even got a 10, plenty of 9's and 8's. But i bought that game and then sought out metacritic, previews and reviews of games that "looked pretty cool". games are hyped likenothing else in this world, they make us have expectations. It's called marketing,people and companies make billions each year making everything under the sun must have and look like is the second coming of the wheel or even air conditioning itself.

Rule 3 Most games really arent for you. There are plenty of other people all over the world with different tastes and preferences then you or even me. I checked around, it's true.
I have then done what you actually did with this game. You bought a pretty decent game that is not your style. I have bought many games that many reviews said were the best, game of the year. I could understand that they were not the worst game ever made. For I have played that game and 17 of 18 critics agree with me. Thats 1 short of making my opinion fact. Red dead remdemption and lets say uncharted 2, both universially known as the cream of crop. I thought they were going to be the bomb and they were for quite a few people. But I thought they were not at fun and felt like a chore. So I traded them in and moved on bypassing their forums, because I am not a vapid *sshole who wastes his time on the forum of a game I hate. I like this game and unless your criticism is constuctive or of a technical nature I am going to do all I can to make you feel unwelcome and kindly move along. Because I am warrior by nature, who loves a fight for or over something. This is turf for those of who like and want this game to succeed. Not for people who want to complain the game is not what they dreamed it was or inline with their personal interpretation of the available data, which was abundant led them to think it was.

all bad reviews; Bad game
mixed reviews bad for some, good for some
All good reviews: A true masterpeice or gold for the drones
If your wasting your time on a forum for a game, you dont like,let alone detest
you have bigger issues than you wasted 60 bucks on a game YOU just don't like
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:59 pm

TL:DR see below
Dont get exicted for a game, months ahead of time. Unless its Battlefield3 [For the ladys of class, style and for the gentlemen of distinction and those of who have carried rifles in hostile foreign lands] OR the next Call of Duty [For the drones]. Research your purchases and know what you want and what you like before you buy. Some of you have been following this game like a hawk for months and low and behold it wasnt custom made fullfill all your desires. I watched BRINK from afar the past few months, looked interesting. Thought Bulletstorm was going to be the bomb. No multiplayer matches, deal breaker??? WTF But i didnt buy it because i RESEARCHED my purchase before hand. Nor did i go to the Bulletstorm forum and whine, complain and demand the game be changed to my personal expectations. Been busy doing things far from here for a while. I get back and Brinks coming out in a week. I researched the game, seemed to be along the lines of what I would like. A week later I was right, because I know myself and know what I like to play. Rule2: Know thyself

Im am not a really devoted fan of this game. Followed it for week and it surpassed my expectations, has some flaws and techinical issues. The core gameplay is solid, refreshing and has implimented some new excellent ideas. If you dont see that you not looking or are not very perceptive, or this maybe is just not your thing. COD is a good game too, not my thing because its the same game with minor improvements. Solid game but vastly overrated. But if you dig it cool go play have a blast. Dont like this Sell it at gamestop or on craiglist, someone else will enjoy it. At lot of us are in fact. BRINK is at least different. I give this game a 9.75 because it did what expected, some things that surprised me and there is still much more too learn. The cherry on top was camping Is POINTLESS. Deathmatch is everywhere else even Battlefield, to cater to the COD crowd. For me it always has to more than point and shoot. I got to fight for, or over something. I like to have as many options and tools to do that with. Brink delivers that. No death match thats your bad. That was made abundant clear far before the release date.

I understand your pain and have bought a crappy game without researching and had the attitude of "Whoa this game looks cool". But that was only one game and one game only, look it up it's called Conflict Denied OPs. Metacritic score 51, only one score above 70 at 75. lowest score 30. 1-up gave this game a 25. Funny how a shooter game that lets you use one gun throughout the campaign, universally agreed as rubbish by critics and didnt break 75 somehow didnt recieve a score as low this game, which even got a 10, plenty of 9's and 8's. But i bought that game and then sought out metacritic, previews and reviews of games that "looked pretty cool". games are hyped likenothing else in this world, they make us have expectations. It's called marketing,people and companies make billions each year making everything under the sun must have and look like is the second coming of the wheel or even air conditioning itself.

Rule 3 Most games really arent for you. There are plenty of other people all over the world with different tastes and preferences then you or even me. I checked around, it's true.
I have then done what you actually did with this game. You bought a pretty decent game that is not your style. I have bought many games that many reviews said were the best, game of the year. I could understand that they were not the worst game ever made. For I have played that game and 17 of 18 critics agree with me. Thats 1 short of making my opinion fact. Red dead remdemption and lets say uncharted 2, both universially known as the cream of crop. I thought they were going to be the bomb and they were for quite a few people. But I thought they were not at fun and felt like a chore. So I traded them in and moved on bypassing their forums, because I am not a vapid *sshole who wastes his time on the forum of a game I hate. I like this game and unless your criticism is constuctive or of a technical nature I am going to do all I can to make you feel unwelcome and kindly move along. Because I am warrior by nature, who loves a fight for or over something. This is turf for those of who like and want this game to succede. Not for people who want to complain the game is what they dreamed it was or inline with their personal interpreation of the available data, which was abundant led them to think it was.

all bad reviews; Bad game
mixed reviews bad for some, good for some
All good reviews: A true masterpeice or gold for the drones
If your wasting your time on a forum for a game, you dont like,let alone detest
you have bigger issues than you wasted 60 bucks on a game YOU just don't like

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renee Duhamel
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Post » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:44 pm

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My blood
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