Definitely would love sleeping in the wild, with various equipment that improves the experience, but pretty much requires need for sleep (outside of any hard core mode).
* Bedroll of varying quality to get additional bonuses, but time remains constant to the situation. Nothing beats your mansion bed as far as comfort goes.
* Tents of varying quality and sizes. Provides shelter from rain, and the best ones also from wind. Sizes for 1, 2 and 3 persons (in case of two companions).
* Flint to light your fire (and torches). A fire improves cooking (or outright enables it), but you have to gather wood. Also reduces wind chill.
* Cutlery. Improves result of prepared foodstuffs, which in turn improves sleep. I always sleep better after a juicy beef compared to eating 4 apples

* Water collector. Nice to restock on water supplies if you camp while it rains.
So in FONV hardcoe terms (which isn't really all that hardcoe if you ask me), we get similar effects:
* Food
* Water (could be non pure in places due sulfur, such as near volcanic tundra, replaces FONVs rads in water)
* Sleep
* Cold (replaces radiation)
So there should be game mechanical *reasons* to put it there, even if they only seem to have a purpose in "hardcoe mode". Sleeping in the wild may be perfect for the naturalists (like myself), but despite all equipment making it possible going into encumbrance, it shouldn't be as good as sleeping at home in my own bed or at a rented bed in an inn.
The only thing making FONV hardcoe tedious for me, is the walking (since I don't fast travel, but that one is on me) and the browsing of huge menus which are only alphabetically sorted rather than on context. All ingredients listed with *all* aid stuffs (like magazines). At level 27 (haven't visited Benny at the strip, no rush on this playthrough), I've only suffered mild effects except a single occurrence of very heavy radiation poisoning. And I don't find it even a bit tedious.