isnt part of the Nerevarine prophesy that he was "born on a certain day to uncertain parents"? this means that "born under a certain sign" refers to the specific sign (month) during which the nerevarine was supposed to be born. everyone is born under a sign, but the N is born under a certain (significant, prophesied) sign.
It would be a very poor prophesy if the person was supposed to be born under a
specific sign but it didn't mention which one.

It's like me predicting that the next President of the United States will be born in a specific month - while correct it tells us nothing.
We could blame this on a limitation of the game, but was the game really limited like this? There are plenty of places that your character's name is integrated in to text so I see no reason why they couldn't have done with with the player's chosen birthsign. So if the player chose to be born under the Atronach the game could mention in a few places that the "born under a certain sign" specifically refers to those born under the Atronach.
Edit: Bah, beaten, by a mod at that. I didn't think you guys were allowed to make legitimate posts over here...
Yea, Socucius Ergalla asks you when you arrive that "The letter that preceded you mentioned you were born under a certain sign. And what would that be?"
From this statement and the Nerevarine prophecy one should conclude that being born under a sign was more of an anomaly, if everybody was born under a birthsign then there'd be no reason for a letter to state that you'd been born under one, it'd sorta be a no-brainer.
However, given the quote from the 3rd PGE, and the Firmament's statement that "When the sun rises near one of the constellations, it is that constellation's season. Each constellation has a Season of approximately one month. The Serpent has no season, for it moves about in the heavens, usually threatening one of the other constellations,"(12 constellations, 12 months, with the serpent leftover) it seems that the inconsistency is in the letter.
While you may be born in a constellations season that doesn't necessarily mean you were born under that sign. It could just be that the definitions were changed, but I think it's more likely that being born under a sign refers to something more specific. Perhaps it means that you were born while the sign was at its apex or during some other astrological event. It could also be that the zodiac system of Tamriel is more complex than just which month you were born in and when all of your signs match up it's special.