Care to list some of those builds?
Acrobats, street performers, Illusionists, Martial arts masters, certain Vampires (since there's no levitation anymore), shepherds and athletes, the list goes on and I'm sure plenty have made builds around these mechanics that I haven't thought of. I hate losing builds. Marginalized H2H, no speed r jump variable and no spell creation, really hampers my build stable.
Spell creation build list is even more expansive. Inquisitors, Witch Doctors, Illusionists (dual needs), Druids, Cleric and Monks, Nagas, Street Performers, Maomer, Mediums, Psijic Order, All types of Vampire mayhem, Astrologists, Archaeologists, all types of Paladins and Crusaders, even used SC as a 'ability' mechanic that drained stamina, with 'moves' like Concentration and Bullseye, etc. and thats the tip of the iceberg, I could go for a while.