There might be a better way, so hold off on doing this right now! Again, i'm doing this from memory, so bare with me!

Will give a better method tomorrow (if there is one) as i will have access to my gaming rig tomorrow! Sorry to make you wait! :nope:
But here's a stab at it anyway! :lmao:
1. Open up construction set! (duh!

2. Click the little yellow folder on the upper left hand corner. (assuming you never used the construction set before! if you have, sorry for the baby steps!)
3. Double click the little box next to whatever plugin the race you want to modify is associated with.
4. Click "Set active file" (if you're using a vanilla race, just skip this step)
5. On the top tool bar click Character
6. Navigate to Race
7. If you're using a custom race skip this step--Make a duplication of the race you want to use by right clicking on the name of the race in the dialog box on the left and clicking "Duplicate"
8. Again if you're using a custom race skip this step--Give you're race a unique name by navigation to the "Text data" tab on the right. And where it says Race name type whatever you want (example Nord Maxed skill rates)
9. Navigate back to the first tab (i forget the name) and on the drop down menu (you should see several) select the skill you would like to modify (you can do as many as 6 i believe)
10. In the corresponding text box (the one next to the drop down menu you would like to modify) type 100 (if you want to be completely maxed out of course)