The script from Terra Nova
The script from Terra Nova
It helps to put Debug messages in your script to figure out what may be the problem.
Event OnLoad() if !Game.GetPlayer().IsInFaction(ThievesGuildFaction) BlockActivation(true) Debug.MessageBox("The player is NOT in the faction") else BlockActivation(false) Debug.MessageBox("The player is in the faction, unlocking door") endifEndEvent
If the first message comes up, then the player actually isn't in the faction, or the property isn't filled correctly.
If the second message comes up and the door is still inactive, then I have no idea.
If neither message comes up, then the script itself just isn't firing. There are some notes here for the OnLoad so it may not always be firing when you want it to ( OnCellAttach could be an alternative event to try. Also, neither of those events will fire to unlock the door if the door is loaded/player is in the cell when they join the Thieves Guild. They will have to leave the area, and then come back.
Hey thanks alot man,i added your debug messages and started a new game and it worked onto script 2.