Anyway, since I've gone to the trouble of porting this thing over, I've been looking into improving it a bit at the same time.
So far: the detrimental effects of having a ranged weapon in melee (for the player) are mitigated somewhat by higher levels of melee/unarmed skills (whichever is higher). Still extremely brutal though, especially at low melee/unarmed.
Shotguns/flamers aren't quite so hard-hit in VATS
Better method of increasing AP costs of shooting in melee (more compatible with other mods).
Started rebalancing for the changed accuracy/spread formulas in New Vegas
But it's still proving very difficult to give meaningful penalties to NPCs who are caught in close combat with a ranged weapon, due to certain technical limitations
So I'm looking into taking the road of rewarding the player for using a melee/unarmed weapon against a gun-wielding enemy. Hopefully this should extend to companions when I figure out companion perks. This should effectively simulate the same sort of penalties for NPCs.
Main ideas I'm looking into:
Gun Parry: When carrying a melee or unarmed weapon, any enemy wielding a ranged weapon in melee range (and if possible, limited to those within the front 180 degrees) will miss with n% of shots (where n may or may not vary depending on your melee/unarmed skill and/or whether they're carrying a long or short arm). "Misses" done by a massively increased DT on random % hits. This is my frontrunner since it's pretty directly equivalent to the player's penalty. The only problem is that there will still be some small bleedthrough of damage, no matter how high the DT. Also armour condition damage, but I'm 90% sure this can be overcome.
Some % chance of an effect when you hit an enemy: eg stumble/drop weapon/knockdown. Not 100% sure about this, and not sure it's actually really possible anyway. Yes Super Slam does something very similar, but its effect is remarkably specific and can't really be reworked.
A general-purpose combat bonus for melee/unarmed vs guns: Honestly feels a bit lazy and fudgey
More likely effects - increased critical chance, increased critical damage, resistant to criticals, increased VATS hit chance
Less likely - DT increase, damage increase, attack speed increase
Anyway if anyone has any thoughts on all this, please let me know!
great news. that was quick

Yeah well it's mostly just lucky timing, since I only just finished New Vegas a few days ago!
It does mean it'll take a while longer to port my spiky hats across though....