» Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:49 pm
Although everybode hery is right and Steam is the best option of all programs like it, I consider them all to be an incredible pain.
Steam's easy to use and has a clear interface, not even including the neat options like friends chat and stuff, but all I really want is to install the game and play, I have a disk for crying out loud.
I don't care much for rankings and or achievements, but hey, their a nice addition.
Yeah, I do have an internet connection, but I have two PC's. One for gaming (no internet) and one for every other thing. I'm not much of a multiplayer person, hence no internet on my gaming PC.
However now I have to get the game, install the game, install steam (already is, but just starting from scratch here), Plug in internet connection, Reboot (as my router wants every new pc to reboot, otherwise it wont have a connection) register the game, tick off-line mode, remove the internet cable, roll it back in, start the game, play.
About 5 years ago I just needed to: Get the game, install the game, play.
Don't get me wrong, I do not hate Steam or assorted programs, and can understand any publisher as for why they make it mandatory, but the main reason has to be Piracy. Why they keep bothering people that are legit with all these anti-piracy measures I can understand, but I find it illogical, simply because I'm not a pirate, why do I get treated as if I am one or about to become one...
To round it al up in a line that makes sense: I just wanna buy, install and play my game. It's possible to do so on a console, so it can also be done again on PC.
Sorry for Nostalgia.