» Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:23 pm
Update 2:
Now I'm on to installing Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (I have all the DLCs, Tamriel Travelers, and CObl so far), and the read me says:
"Now you have a choice. You can either:
Click Add Archive and select the OOO 1.33 Complete archive -- or whichever of the OOO archives you downloaded (i.e., either OOO_132f_UPGRADE.7z or OOO_132f_Complete.7z)
Or, you can click Add Folder and select the custom 1.32.FinalComplete+1.33Patch folder you made in Step #2."
So, if I downloaded 1.33 Complete, I should use the first option right? The problem with the one is when I click Add Archive, it won't let me add a folder and there are no visible files. So, I'm not sure what to do here. I mean, when I click Add Folder, I can import the entire folder, but this says not to do that, right?
Apologies if this seems extremely meticulous, but I've learned that the smallest mistake can set me back more than a week. So, I'm being extremely careful. :confused: