they both could. The alienware definently. Would you customize it at all, or would you just buy it as it is?
Edit: I take that back, the xps 9100 as it is could probably run it on minimun-low without changing what graphics card it is using. What is your budget? There are some custom computer makers out there that can get you a much better deal than a major brand computer.
they both could. The alienware definently. Would you customize it at all, or would you just buy it as it is?
Edit: I take that back, the xps 9100 as it is could probably run it on minimun-low without changing what graphics card it is using. What is your budget? There are some custom computer makers out there that can get you a much better deal than a major brand computer. my budget is around $1000
Better to build if your under a $1000, otherwise go to or they're a little bit worse on customer service than alienware or dell but they are a hell of a lot cheaper. For about the same price as the Aurora you can get a PC from either company that will 20%- 30% more powerful.
Indeed, build one and you'll be laughing. You can easily get a sandy bridge based desktop with a gtx560 for sub $1000, and that'll thrash any alienware junk
granted it's worth buying an alienware once so you have a great case to work with for future builds. but Only if you have the money to piss away like I do.
lawl? buying alienware for a great case thats just crazy -.- for1k and with w7 you put in a nice 955 and a 6950 then you can bring it to a computer store they will put together for around 50bux and you gona be building a pc twice as fast as a alienware for same cost