I can't understand this ????

Post » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:02 am

Hi crysismaniacs, look, i have a question about the history of Crysis.

In crysis 1 you play with Nomad (ok), in crysis warhead you play with psycho, but when happens the history of crysis warhead?
Also during crysis 1 or after crysis 1???

Because I read the comics of crysis, (wich reveals the mysteries between crysis and crysis 2), but in the end Nomad sacrificed his life to save Prophet and Psycho (i can't belive it, because they reactivated their nanosuits before).

So, i can't understand the history... Who knows the true all history and knows what happens or can explain me the history, please answer the question please.

PD: And if someone wants to know how to get the comics send me a pm (private message)

See ya soldiers and thanks
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Jon O
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