Dogmeat has been overused I find
Dogmeat has been overused I find
Dude.. Dogmeat is Fallout. That's like saying "can you change the post Nuclear settings? It's been overused."
To be fair, people do choose names for pets. I like Dogmeat, don't get me wrong, and it would be a good "Default name", but the option to change it I can understand. At most we get only a line or two where people refer to him as Dogmeat, but he could "also" be another name by the player. That would never be voiced, obviously. Because typed in by player.
Dogmeat is to Fallout (now), what Maiq The Liar is to TES. Like it or not, he is a staple of the series.
It is fair to assume that the dog is not the same dog in every game, or even from the same family. Dogmeat could simply be a common name used in the Fallout universe the same way Spot is here in ours.
Maybe Beth might eventually decide to use a dog with a different name, but for now it's not going to accomplish anything by complaining about it.
I'm still waiting to find whoever it is that explains who Dogmeat is to my character. Nick mentioned his name once, but Ruby (my character) was already calling the puppy Dogmeat before that! He's still labeled DOG, for crying out loud!
I wonder if "Dogmeat" is the same family of dogs? We get a perk in... Wait, that's NV. Different company. Nevermind.
Ok, it could either be A: The same dog all the time that somehow gets around a lot and happens to be there for the vault dwellers. B: The same family of dogs where each "Dogmeat" is a new dog, but of the same family (So a son each time?) or C: A very twisted vault tech experiment, which would probably make the most sense and tie in with the lore.
"This is an experiment to have a dog named "Dogmeat" in the paths of certain vault dwellers. The dog will be monitored how beneficial they are to the vault dweller."
Sounds like something they'd do.
It's Mama Murphy who first calls him that, but you have to talk to her in Concord before getting the power armor. She has "The Sight" so she knows his name, somehow. I didn't quite catch that.
I didn't bother talking to her my first playthrough so it took a really long time before his name switched to Dogmeat instead of just Dog.