you on xbox360 or ps3 i presume?
You know, one thing I have wished for years that Bethesda would do is put a little icon under our avatars indicating which system we play on. An awful lot of us of us tend to assume that everybody plays on the same sytem we do and don't bother to indicate which system they want an answer for when asking a question. Conversely, I've seen folks spend a lot of time writing up answers to a question only to find out that the person who asked the question is not using the platform they thought (because they, too, assumed the questioner was using the platform they use) and now all the time they spent writing and researching an answer is wasted.
To their credit, Bethesda have caught on to this problem. The Skyrim Hardware forum is divided into platform-centric subforums which is a start. But that doesn't help folks in the General forums, who still spend too much time mis-communicating due to mis-assumptions about platforms.
[/end mild rant]