We won't have to option of actually being the Nord Dovahkiin, unless you go out and create him yourself. For advertisemant purposes, it's a face to a name. Commander Shepard is pretty much BioWare saying, "This is canonical! Accept it!" I mean have you tried making another character in Mass Effect? It's horrible! JUST HORRIBLE! D:
LOLz, You have no understanding of the character in the game, I'm afraid. And for the record, I'll take any of my Commander Shepard designs over the videogame version of a Dutch male model.
You sure about that? The arms look masculine to me.
That's a female, along with others that have yet to be shown outside of the new PS mag screens, apparently. You should expect more realistic variety in bofy types for bpth male and female characters in Skyrim. No more mediocre males and skinny females with oversized heads, a la Oblivion.