A lot of people seem to be mistaking the things I said for me saying that I think stats make a game an RPG, I′ve not been saying that. I even bantered at games for calling themselves RPG's just because they have stats, and I just mentioned I liked where the perks were going since while I don′t think stats make an RPG it is still going in the right direction with giving you more choice and customization. There is nothing wrong with action based combat, heck it doesn′t really matter much how the combat is except you have to fight according to how your choices have been made (a warrior is not going to suddenly throw lighting out of his hand with no training and a mage is not suddenly gonna be an expert sneak and a thief will not smash his enemies down with a hammer larger than himself and so on and so on).
One person mentioned that if I considered TES to be good RPG′s then I was myself not really an RPG fan, well I′m aware that TES is lacking in elements that make up an RPG but I think TES has the potential to be the greatest RPG series out there, just imagine if they took it further, things we could possibly have seen in for example Oblivion would perhaps be...
We could have not saved the world, the game would most likely assign a different hero then after a certain point, be it after a specific amount of time or after you refuse a quest related to saving the world, but then you could perhaps kill that hero and bring doom upon the world.
We could have snitched out on the Gray Fox on the first meeting with him going to meet him with guards to bring him in.
We could have killed the night mother instead of saving her at the end of the dark brotherhood.
We could have done impure acts in the knight of the nine so that the gods would not accept you as their crusader and we could have killed the other crusader allowing Umaril his invasion.
We could have just been a merchant in Anvil or a bard in Skingrad.
But if we look at all the new things they would need to add, like they would have to make the Oblivion invasion full scale, the Umaril invasion is pretty big too, they would need to make NPC′s go around and buy stuff from merchants, there would have been a need for new quests with turning in the Gray Fox and some scenario after killing the night mother... were they ready with the technology to do things like people buying from you as a merchant and did they have time to make two huge invasions and a whole new plot twist on two guilds before the release of Oblivion ? That is what I′m talking about with the technology thing, but I should have mentioned time restraints too, but I don′t care too much for graphics. However if they want to sell well they need graphics, it′s just a fact of... wait a moment I′m forgetting minecraft am I not ? But TES is a whole another genre, not sure if it would sell with Minecraft like graphics.
Oh and for those that don′t like this poll I made at least one option that works as "other" for each question. Then there is always writing your opinion.
Anyway I′m gonna wait with anxiety for Skyrim and it will most likely blow my mind, and if it adds to RP elements then I will look at it as a good sign of things to come, because the single player RPG genre really need a good game series to carry its torch through the coming years I think.
All of you say a bunch of [censored] now, but they'll get the paper from your wallet on 11.11.11.

I don′t look at discussing such things as expressing spite but rather concern, for a series they love. Few things would keep me from buying Skyrim since as it is I′d be too blind of TES fanaticism to even notice if they made the game about cats with rifles shooting down flying mudcrabs, it′s the disappointment that would come after playing that would keep me from the series, but I will always give a new TES game a chance.