Sorry if the title is a little unclear. I am unfamiliar with how the levelling and skills/abilities systems will work in TESO.
But I'll try to elaborate:
In TES III: Morrowind you could ruin an endgame character if you levelled a skill up from say 20-100 without resting every 10 levels.
And also by wasting the multiplier bonus for the linked stat/attribute (endurance/strength etc)
It needed to be planned out for maximum effective end-game potential.
((Like when you were lazy and did the old 'Balmora river-elastic-band-on-the-controller to swim against the wall while you slept to get Athletics up to 100' trick.))
Was great when you woke up and didn't walk so slowly....but end-game your weakness became apparent when you realized how much character potential you missed out on.
Again, as I am unfamiliar with the system in TESO, I am wondering if levelling and skill planning will be necessary to avoid 'gimping' your character?