Topic title says it all. I'm wondering if you can use your dog and still get the loan wanderer perk.
Topic title says it all. I'm wondering if you can use your dog and still get the loan wanderer perk.
I doubt it. He is a companion after all.
Yes, I am told that for the purposes of that perk the dog doesn't count as a companion.
Yes. Dogmeat does not affect the Lone Wander perk. He is the only one.
They'll nerf it.
You should be able to keep it with Dogmeat. He's my buddy!
3 actually! (okay 3 levels). I get all 3 and he's a beast.
You can't be a Lone Wanderer without Dogmeat, as much as he was promoted before this game i don't think its a bug.
If they nerf it.
That will be the first thing that will be modded back into the game, as some people like having Lone Wanderer along with his dog.
And if its supposed to be the Loan Wanderer, someone must have forgotten to give him the address of the place he was supposed to collect the money. Also makes perfect since in this case that he needs a dog to collect on bail jumpers.
Is the 'loan wanderer' an itinerant banker character?
I'm now imagining the TV show "The Loan Ranger".....
Wrap around goggles and a minuteman hat?
More like a visor, monocle and suspenders =)
OH! "Loan" Ranger! I was thinking "Lone Ranger". That's good. I would use the Formal Hat though and maybe the Tuxedo with a monocle. Like the Monopoly Guy.
indeed. the final tiers of the perk, in addition to the strong back perks, would make it worth it. So far companions have been ok, but after a certain point I really only tolerate them for carrying my junk for me. other wise them stealing my XP is putting me in a weird tacticle situation where im not concerned with killing my enemies out right, rather just doing enough damage to all of them so that I am not shorted on any XP.
Which doesn't frustrate me too much because it is making me realize how much more I am liking leveling up than in FO3, in 3 I would go out of my way to not level up because I didn't want to hit the cap so quickly and bring about end game enemies when I'm only 30 hours into a new character.
So far, having Dogmeat and the Lone Wanderer perk is the best thing about the game, imo. If they change this, I will throw up my hands in disgust and disappointment.
Pretty much the first thought that came in mind after reading the title.