I came up with an idea for a DLC for Fallout 3, long before NV came out. It was set in New York (now called the "Rotten Apple"). Since Gob played a really small part in that game, I thought I'd give him a larger part. He heard a radio broadcast that stated that someone needed help (much like the one Wernher sent out, before the Pitt dlc) and asked that you head to the location in which the broadcaster said he was trapped in. So you head to the location(which'll probably be an abandoned metro tunnel) and notice that there are no enemies here. Then you go down a huge hallway and get ambushed and captured and brought to Manhattan (about 6 months trip, but the Raiders who ambushed you forcefed you

You wake up in a ruined hospital in Manhattan surrounded by (*DUN DUN DUN*) salvaged ALIEN TECHNOLOGY. An Alien Mothership, possibly related to Mothership Zeta in some way, apparently crashed near the Manhattan Bridge(or whatever it's called, i forgot) 7 years ago and the Raiders salvaged it and attempted to figure it out (which they succeeded at) and now they use it for medical and scientific purposes. they even use weapons and tech for armor. In the story, they used it to mindwipe you and turn you into a soldier for their empire(which we're trying to mod so you go back to level one and rebuild yourself until you get your memories back. After you get them back, you'll return to your normal level and the exp you earned before you got them back will accumulate and all be granted to you, possibly leveling you up again, but that'll be really hard to mod). Apparently this Raider Empire is in a war with a faction called the "Peacekeepers". After doing some quests for the Raiders as a pawn, you soon learn from a prisoner of the Raiders that your mind was wiped and he tells you that using the Alien Memory Mainframe will return your memories to you,and you get to keep the ones you have now as well. You then escape the Raiders by passing through the Gates of the Empire to the Manhattan Bridge, in which you are encountered by a small group of Peacekeeper Spies (that swam to your location from the beach originally to scout out the gate, but notice you and capture you and bring you towards their base via submarine). You are then interrogated by Peacekeepers, who, after you go through some dialog, realize that your mind was wiped and that you are not actually with the Raiders. You then do some quests for them (including recapturing all locations under Raider control that are outside Manhattan, including the Statue of Liberty). The Final Quest is split up into many parts, part one being fighting your way across the bridge, part two being killing Tiny( HUUUUGGGEEEE Deathclaw with 5,000 HP and an instant kill attack!!!!).Don't worry, the Deathclaw wont be able to hit you unless you walk to the edge of the building. Plus, you won't be on the ground fighting, you'll be on a building. Not only that, but you'll have the help of a small army of (Tamed) Feral Ghoul Titans(big ghouls about the same size as Behemoths, but half of a Behemoth's HP and does the damage of 3 Feral Ghoul Reavers). And Part 3 is where you finally reach the Emperor(who's name is yet to be decided) and you are tasked with killing him. However, you do not have to. There are three choices here:
-You can kill the Emperor, take his awesome power armor, his two awesome weapons (a flamer that spews out electricity instead of fire and a ripper that deals both fire and electricity damage) and gain eternal gratitude of the Peackeepers. Also, thousands of caps and 500 Karma (plus you can use a squad of Peacekeepers as followers).You will gain full hostility from Raiders.
-You can kill the Peacekeeper leader, Linda. You can take her combat armor and her shotgun, assault rifle, missle launcher, laser rifle, spiked knuckles and combat knife (all really awesome weapons). You will gain gratitude from the raiders, and no raiders will be hostile to you (unless they're provoked). Thousands of caps and you lose 500 karma. You can also use a squad of Raiders as followers. Full hostility from PK's.
-Kill both. Winner takes all except followers, caps and karma. Good if you like really awesome armor and weapons.
It's still under heavy development, so there might be some changes. But that was my idea.