» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:32 pm
Why are they picking on Canada? It's simple really Greed. Pure and simple GREED. I can't rememeber where I read this, but I thought Canada Is or is in the top 3 of internet usage in the world right now. With so many people using the Intertnet, it's a perfect place to start and nickle and dime everyone to death over it's usage, because we can't stop using it now even if we wanted to. We are so dependent on it like crack cocaine. We will pay and do what ever we can to have internet now, so they have us by the balls sort to speak. There is nothing we can do.
We can't drop Bell or Rogers as our providor because if we go to the lesser know ones, they are still using Bell and Roger's infanstructure for the internet to give us. So Bell and Rogers charges them, which of course gets passed down to us.
So basically trying to go else were, or let the "free market" come in, will not work. Why do you think Bell and Rogers were so PISSED when Virgin came to Canada? Alot of the rules were changed because of Virgin and showed how all of us were being hosed by Bell and Rogers. Now instead of the cell phones, it's now the Internet.
So it's either, we rebell now, or just end up paying it with no other options. Hopefully the Canadian Goverment will step in and put a stop to this. I know NetFlix will be fighting this, if people will be watching what they stream from them now. Quite funny now, Netflix comes in, and people will not be using it's survices as much pretty soon now.