I am Canadian. I stopped buying brand new. I don't buy brand new because of the high price. If it's worth it, then I buy it. Problem is, being burnt so many times buying brand new I have finally learnt my lesson and hardly ever buy brand new.
The exception is Bethesda games, The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Those are Day One or pre-order buys for me. I always try and do my research now. I wait until I read reviews from normal gamers, not gamers or should I say reviewers who pretend to be gamers on gaming sites like IGN and Gamespot now. While I will still read their reviews, I consider them garbage reviews until I read people like us, reviews, especially on the Bethesda forums. I bought Witcher 3 after reading a lot of good reviews of the game.
So unless I see The Elder Scrolls or Fallout in the title, I don't buy right away no more.
After all the difference between $60 and $80 is not much. Reason I say that is I waited over 9 months for the price of Fallout 3 to drop. It never did, so I finally bought Fallout 3 at full price. While playing it, I felt like an [censored]. Why? For over 9 months I tried to save $20 and all I did was rob 9 months of playing an awesome game for what, $20.
Now that being said, $20 doesn't see much in this day and age, $60 sounds a lot closer to $50 which sound reasonable for a game and $80 sounds a lot more closer to $100 which seem ridiculous for a game. That being said, I am hoping to be able to buy the collector edition for Fallout 4 on Day One and will cost me about $200 since I am hoping there will be a hard back collector edition for Fallout 4 as well. Just love collecting those things.
I guess the only other time I buy on Day One is for my son. He just loves Call of Duty games, so that is money well spent for him.