Canceled PreOrder

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:20 pm

My PC can run the game, but my Pre Order was for the 360 because the graphics were so bad it did not matter much which version I play. I have been playing the demo just about every day, and have been maxed for a while. If was fun and the game had promise but this comes down to a mater of principal, and I have decided to cancel my Pre-Order.

I feel for the PC users, they are getting the shaft. The PC version has been dumbed down in order to make programing easier for all three platforms [PC/360/PS3]. The Cry3 engine looks like crap compared to the Cry2. For 360/PS3 users, the graphics are NOT the best each system can push out, they are average at best. Taking the lazy way out and dumbing down the PC's graphics is unacceptable. To me that just reflects on the whole game and how it will probably turn out. I have been burnt before by lazy developers; never again.

Besides the 360, I also own a PS3. Its very ironic you did not release the PS3 demo version until well after the 360 one, even though your company said "the PS3 version is exactly the same as the 360 version, is ready to go and working flawlessly". So why no demo till yesterday and why was that demo pulled immediately? Due to bugs never the less! Why did not not release the demo when you released the PC/360 demo so that these bugs could be found and worked out. You said the PS3 version was done and ready to go. Sounds like **** to me. I have been burnt before by shady lying developers, never again.

Crysis was not only about graphics, but large open maps. Crysis 2 has dumbed down those large open maps in favor of small closed ones. I am so tired of hearing "they had to do this to support the 360/PS3". One word: HOMEFRONT. The multiplayer maps in Homefront are HUGE. Its not just dedicated servers that support those maps, because you can play w/o dedicated servers too. The dedicated servers make is possible to play with 32 people at once, if you don't connect to a dedicated server you can play with up to 24 people. Again, the dedicated servers did not change the map size, it was just the number of people. I am so sick of these small ass maps that we are given by companies like Infinity Ward. Now Crytec has sold out too, shoveling us the same crap.

The single player game is only 12 hours? They said that about Blacksite, MW, MW2, BO, and Homefront. All of those single player games were beaten in an average of 6-8 hours. I fell in that average with all of those games. I am tired of **** half assed single player campaigns. Its time to send a message that some people actually play games for the single player campaign. I am tired of the exaggeration on length of single player campaigns. I am also tired of this **** that was started by an Activision employee "Length is not what counts, its all about the story line". Sounds like some guy with a small dike trying to compensate; "No... No, its how you use it, really". No asshole, its about the whole package and 6-12 hours is just way too short. This is a $60 game and unlike Homefront you are not paying for dedicated servers. How about putting some effort into your title. Anything under an un-exaggerated 20 hours of gameplay is unacceptable.

What it comes down to is the developers tired to copy Infinity Ward and make another COD title instead of doing what they did best, and provide players with something different, something unique. Just because you add some space suit with a few options does not change this from the same old tired COD clone. I just picked up Homefront instead and while it has its share of issues (none of them gameplay, rather lack of content) its a lot of fun. At least they tried something different. If they ever get around to adding more content, they will have a title that well accedes any of the worn out COD style games. Your tiny little maps w/o vehicles or anything else, and kill-streek dependent perks just cater to the stupid assclown no skill run around and shoot kids. In fact, having people have to pick up dogtags to get those perks is even more catering to those kind of players. You are basically trying to force people to play in that run around close combat style of gameplay. Perfect for the 12yr olds and elitist jackasses and your tiny little maps.

It's too bad, I was really excited for Crysis 2. I will look at Crysis 3 when there is more info released, but unless you come out with some patch that updates the graphics, adds large maps, changes the style of killstreaks to be battle points instead of just based on solely on kills, add vehicles or something else to the mix, I am not going to buy your product. Stop trying to copy other manufactures tired old warn out system of gameplay, it's not going to sell you more games.

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louise fortin
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:31 am

Didn't read everything, but I think it's bs =)
Stop whining, the game isn't even out yet.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:19 pm

no, i don`t cancelled my PC pre-order. why? i don`t see the reasons. i liked demo multiplayer, and i want more. And i get one of the best single-player game.

stop stupid threads creating on official forum, be smart
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:44 pm

If you did not read what I wrote then how can you know why I am not buying the game. It may not be released yet, but what I have posted above is not going to change in the retail version of the game. If you read the post you would know that, so why comment if you dont bother reading?

BTW: I signed up in the Crysis 2 demo for the forums and it auto assigned me this name. Can't seem to change it. I guess it doesn't matter.

EDIT: Be smart? I want this on the official forums. I want them to see why. I want Crysis 3 to be the game Crysis 2 could have been. This is not some troll post its a cry for Crysis 3 to be a better game then Crysis 2. Christ, can you fanboys actually think for once instead of just acting like a cult? If no one speaks out about this they will never get the picture. When game sales are way down they need to know why so they can fix it in future titles.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:03 pm

So tell me...

What did that big wall of text accomplish? Newsflash: it did not accomplish anything. That's more than 5 minutes of your life wasted. The game will not change. Patches will be released. The company will support the game and millions of people WILL buy it.

I fail to see what you wanted to do with this thread.

Personally, I like the game. I like the gameplay. I like the graphics. I like the sound. I am going to have a good time with it. Granted, I will not buy until I have tried the game in some sort of demo (PS3 demo failed). But it is still likely I will buy it. As will millions of people who do not have a prescense on any forum.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

Didn't read everything, but I think it's bs =)
Stop whining, the game isn't even out yet.

I did the same.

I don't want to hear the "it isn't out yet" excuse. Just like every other consolized game out there, they are keeping mum on the details they DON'T want you to know. No info on Private(read public server files) Dedicated servers run from your computer, No info on Mod support, or Sandbox 3.

Which usually means it won't be available at all, or it won't get put in till they realize they might be losing a bunch of sales from it.

2 semi-recent games which followed a similar route as Crysis 2 is on.
FEAR 2:Project Origin

Very little info was given on the PC versions until just before release. And we know how those games turned out for PC users. The only major difference is Dedicated Servers on C2. Both even had detailed graphics settings, but were very much consolized sequels.

ALL OF THAT SAID? I enjoyed the hell out of the demo, and would love to buy this game on Day 1, but thanks to decisions made by Crytek/EA most of my friends are probably not going to buy the game(all had planned to prior to the Demo). 1 person is still getting it out of 10 of us, which is not enough to justify spending $60. Either when the price drops a fair amount or more friends decide to grab it, I will get it. But not until then.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:02 am

1. Graphics don′t matter. I still fire up orginial playstation classics regularly, and if you care enough about graphics to look at piece of art like Crysis 2, and actually be unsatisfied you′re probably better off watching movies than playing video games.

2. The ps3 demo wasn′t planned, and didn′t reflect the final product quality. I don′t know exactly why the demo was crap on ps3, and quite frankly I don′t care because of the recent footage on youtube of the game being played on ps3, looking and running perfectly fine.

3. Big maps, god damn it I′m gonna have a **** stroke if people dont shut up about this. Plain and simple, big maps + vehicles doesn′t instantly make a game good. You brought up Homefront which is an excellent example. Yeah, the maps on that game are, as you said, HUGE. They′re also infested with campers, you get shot the second you spawn, you have to run for 20 decades before encountering an enemy and the environments look boring because of the lack of detail on large maps. TBH, I never even thought Crysis Wars was all that.

4. I want to know who told you that Homefront, Black Ops and MW2 had 12 hour campaigns. Go watch a review, amateur or proffessional and they will say the games campaigns are 5 hours long. I never even heard the developers themselves say those campaigns would be lengthy. Nathan Camarillo has stated that the playtesters who were actually decent at the Crysis 2 took a MINIMUM of 12 hours to play through the game, and that it was considerably longer than the average FPS. `Anything under 20 hours is unacceptable?` I beat feking Mass Effect in less time than that, and I beat the original Crysis in 10 hours, so 12 sounds just fine to me. Considering the market is absolutely flooded with 5 hour campaigns, you should crapping your pants with glee to be getting a 12 hour game.

As for the campaign being half-assed, I′ve watched the trailers that make it sound epic. I′ve listened to the soundtrack by Borislav Slavov and it is absolutely brilliant. I′ve seen the first half hour of gameplay and it looks fantastic. What′s your argument based on?

You say Crytek should stop trying to copy other developers, yet you like Homefront? That′s irony in its purest form right there.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:59 pm

1. post - tl;dr
post above me(by SausageLegend) - couldn't agree more, except for graphics but i they are amazing for me
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:25 am

Don't you wish games were played because they were a lot of fun? Then I see people here canceling their pre-orders because the graphics aren't as great as Crysis 1 (Even though that is completely untrue.). Which just leaves me to say to myself "What's wrong with the actual game and not the graphics?" I am ashamed to be a PC gamer sometimes. So many of us are extremely nit-picky, ignorant, selfish, and all around douche bags with extremely high standards.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am

Good to see that most people here on the forum can respond to distressing news rationally. Canceling your pre-order over little features, that are still going to be included only later, and graphics is juvenile. If any of you like the first Crysis, then you will most like enjoy this one as well.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:44 am

they also need to sell games, obviously people dont have the best of systems so if they made the game with such high demand in graphics then the only buyers would be the ones who just complain on these forums about dx11, they can sell more games if they cater for a wider market, which then makes profit so they can follow new projects.

if you were a developer would you build a game that only 1000 people could play due to the high demand in graphics etc, or keep the game good and not too demanding and have 10,000 people being able to play it?

I like the game for its game play and its the best looking game i have played so im itching for its release.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:13 am

You sir, you're a crybaby.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:46 pm

well as you can order even pre-order online for about $30, i think this game is worth that much

sure the game is not as good looking as we expected, but its still the best around, so i dont mind

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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:24 am

There is nothing more retarded than people who make "i wunt buy diz shet" post and try to convince other people to not support Crytek in their epic work... i mean if u don't like company/game just f... leave forum and get a life noobs.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:04 am


Don't support CryDerp anymore folks.

They are releasing a console port on Tuesday. Whether you are still in denial and are going to be woken up on Tuesday or you've already seen the writing on the wall, get out now.

They're not getting my money to hand me a sub-standard corridor shooter that fails to even match the visuals of Crysis, a game released four years ago.

No I will not cancel my pre-order for any reason, least of all cos you say we should,
im quite big enough and old enough to decide for myself, ty
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:05 pm

Don't you wish games were played because they were a lot of fun? Then I see people here canceling their pre-orders because the graphics aren't as great as Crysis 1 (Even though that is completely untrue.). Which just leaves me to say to myself "What's wrong with the actual game and not the graphics?" I am ashamed to be a PC gamer sometimes. So many of us are extremely nit-picky, ignorant, selfish, and all around douche bags with extremely high standards.

Your right, I like buying $400 graphics cards to play games a $200 graphics card from 2 years ago can play. I don't think asking a game be developed for our platform is too much to ask...

Its possible to dumb down, but not possible to scale up.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:46 pm

While cry2 may be a decent game, its far below what it could have been. Its a shame, really. At least the OP is trying to point out these flaws and voice his opinion and disappointment. Rather than just be content with a mediocre game that could have been so much more.

Not only do people not do this enough (especially in a well written manner), too many people **** on those who point out legitimate flaws. Its these people that have made gaming what it is today - cookie cutter, no skill gameplay, not pushing limits, catering to the casual, etc.

You people should be ashamed. Down the road when you decide to stop playing Crysis 2, you will realize that it could have been so much more, looked so much better, had much more content, and it was your acceptance of mediocrity that let it happen.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:26 am

Don't you wish games were played because they were a lot of fun? Then I see people here canceling their pre-orders because the graphics aren't as great as Crysis 1 (Even though that is completely untrue.). Which just leaves me to say to myself "What's wrong with the actual game and not the graphics?" I am ashamed to be a PC gamer sometimes. So many of us are extremely nit-picky, ignorant, selfish, and all around douche bags with extremely high standards.

They are. People like you dont seem to realize you CAN HAVE BOTH. Crytek PROMISED both.

You fall into the category of everything you just mentioned in your last sentence.
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El Goose
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:03 am

saying the game will be worthless = ****
saying that the game wont be as good as its predecessor = fair enough

i thought the lean was confirmed for the pc version.. i thought cry-adam said dx11 was confirmed on gamesas. maybe he's not saying on here because he's yet not allowed to say it yet.. well the 10-12 hours of gameplay is way to short for a decent singleplayer, but im sure there wouldnt have been enough space on the duallayer dvd for xbox360.. and the close combat multiplayer is probably because they didnt want a slow paced gameplay, because clearly crysis isnt a slow paced game. what im worried about is no private servers and no sandbox editor.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:57 pm

I didn't cancel my pre-order. I'll enjoy the game as it is, it's a great game from what I've seen so far and I find the multiplayer a lot of fun.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:25 pm

saying the game will be worthless = ****
saying that the game wont be as good as its predecessor = fair enough

i thought the lean was confirmed for the pc version.. i thought cry-adam said dx11 was confirmed on gamesas. maybe he's not saying on here because he's yet not allowed to say it yet.. well the 10-12 hours of gameplay is way to short for a decent singleplayer, but im sure there wouldnt have been enough space on the duallayer dvd for xbox360.. and the close combat multiplayer is probably because they didnt want a slow paced gameplay, because clearly crysis isnt a slow paced game. what im worried about is no private servers and no sandbox editor.

i dont know what you talking about , crysis is and always was a slow paced game

and crisys1 was about 6gig , so i see no reason this would ba a lot more, considering its the same technology
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:47 am


Don't support CryDerp anymore folks.

They are releasing a console port on Tuesday. Whether you are still in denial and are going to be woken up on Tuesday or you've already seen the writing on the wall, get out now.

They're not getting my money to hand me a sub-standard corridor shooter that fails to even match the visuals of Crysis, a game released four years ago.

MAXIMUM CONSOLE Is absolutely right.

I will not buy a crappy console port, and us PC gamers should not be conformists, so the game developers are making millions with console ports shipped directly to the PC, with only slight improvements.

And my answer to the survey is a clear and resounding YES!
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:01 pm

This is my first post in these forums.

I'm probably an older gamer than the average age on here and i remember being in university (doing a games dev course) waiting for far cry to come out. If my memory serves me right, crytek were the first to get a full eyecandy dx9 fps. Before ID's doom3 and valves half life 2, and in my opinion crytek done it better.
Then crysis hit the scene and dear god its amazing graphics...with good gameplay. I kept going back to play it with every upgrade to my computer, it just gets better and better looking.
I've watched every developer give in to the consoles over the years, with good reason... but ignoring the pc market. People always blame piracy, but in my life and the people i know, around 80-90% pirate on console, not pc. Crytek to me where the last hope for the pc market.

I got the pc demo, and to my disgust i saw the 'Press start'. Looking past that,, i then went into the gfx options and was a shocked. I didn't bother trying to play it, I came straight out and cancelled my pre-order and started looking through the forums to see if this is some sort of mistake. I eventually did play the demo and saw the low res textures, the blurred screen. At this moment i thought 'well thats it, pc gaming is dead, crytek sold out'.
After the demo was patched, It was fun to play. but I can not forgive crytek for doing this to the pc fans.
Futher to this I read on forums that its dx9 only, no dx11.. then maybe a dx11 patch... MAYBE.... and its all rumours. i'm so surprised that crytek have no answered ANY questions surrounding crysis 2. Its My money you want, and you wont even tell me what hardware i ned to run it on max, or what features are in want us to just trust you on a 'press start' demo? Honesly crytek, Your response to your loyal customers since 2004 have sealed your tomb with them.
On the flip side to that coin, i've no doubt it will sell and make millions. I see kids today thinking the gfx of games like cod are amazing. Maybe its just me who notices cheap workarounds in the environment and lazyness in design.

Im sorry crytek. even if you surprise us all on launch with an amazing dx11 killer, your still not getting my money over this treatment.

btw, my 1st comp was a dragon 32. I still have it...anyone remember them?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:07 pm

@roadiek9: Not only you're disappointed, we are very many veteran players that we were disappointed with Crysis 2 ... so like you I also come to admire the work of Crytek, since 2004 is literally fascinated by Farcry, Crysis came after 3 years, 3 years after coming ... this?? a crappy console port?
What a terrible disappointment.

That we deserve the PC gamers?
I understand that console gamers will feel amazed and happy with this game, but players and hardcoe veterans of PC?
What do they not deserve a little respect? that our money is worth?
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:42 pm

It is a disappointment, and they don't need to listen to us or answer us. They will make they're money anyway.
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