I feel for the PC users, they are getting the shaft. The PC version has been dumbed down in order to make programing easier for all three platforms [PC/360/PS3]. The Cry3 engine looks like crap compared to the Cry2. For 360/PS3 users, the graphics are NOT the best each system can push out, they are average at best. Taking the lazy way out and dumbing down the PC's graphics is unacceptable. To me that just reflects on the whole game and how it will probably turn out. I have been burnt before by lazy developers; never again.
Besides the 360, I also own a PS3. Its very ironic you did not release the PS3 demo version until well after the 360 one, even though your company said "the PS3 version is exactly the same as the 360 version, is ready to go and working flawlessly". So why no demo till yesterday and why was that demo pulled immediately? Due to bugs never the less! Why did not not release the demo when you released the PC/360 demo so that these bugs could be found and worked out. You said the PS3 version was done and ready to go. Sounds like **** to me. I have been burnt before by shady lying developers, never again.
Crysis was not only about graphics, but large open maps. Crysis 2 has dumbed down those large open maps in favor of small closed ones. I am so tired of hearing "they had to do this to support the 360/PS3". One word: HOMEFRONT. The multiplayer maps in Homefront are HUGE. Its not just dedicated servers that support those maps, because you can play w/o dedicated servers too. The dedicated servers make is possible to play with 32 people at once, if you don't connect to a dedicated server you can play with up to 24 people. Again, the dedicated servers did not change the map size, it was just the number of people. I am so sick of these small ass maps that we are given by companies like Infinity Ward. Now Crytec has sold out too, shoveling us the same crap.
The single player game is only 12 hours? They said that about Blacksite, MW, MW2, BO, and Homefront. All of those single player games were beaten in an average of 6-8 hours. I fell in that average with all of those games. I am tired of **** half assed single player campaigns. Its time to send a message that some people actually play games for the single player campaign. I am tired of the exaggeration on length of single player campaigns. I am also tired of this **** that was started by an Activision employee "Length is not what counts, its all about the story line". Sounds like some guy with a small dike trying to compensate; "No... No, its how you use it, really". No asshole, its about the whole package and 6-12 hours is just way too short. This is a $60 game and unlike Homefront you are not paying for dedicated servers. How about putting some effort into your title. Anything under an un-exaggerated 20 hours of gameplay is unacceptable.
What it comes down to is the developers tired to copy Infinity Ward and make another COD title instead of doing what they did best, and provide players with something different, something unique. Just because you add some space suit with a few options does not change this from the same old tired COD clone. I just picked up Homefront instead and while it has its share of issues (none of them gameplay, rather lack of content) its a lot of fun. At least they tried something different. If they ever get around to adding more content, they will have a title that well accedes any of the worn out COD style games. Your tiny little maps w/o vehicles or anything else, and kill-streek dependent perks just cater to the stupid assclown no skill run around and shoot kids. In fact, having people have to pick up dogtags to get those perks is even more catering to those kind of players. You are basically trying to force people to play in that run around close combat style of gameplay. Perfect for the 12yr olds and elitist jackasses and your tiny little maps.
It's too bad, I was really excited for Crysis 2. I will look at Crysis 3 when there is more info released, but unless you come out with some patch that updates the graphics, adds large maps, changes the style of killstreaks to be battle points instead of just based on solely on kills, add vehicles or something else to the mix, I am not going to buy your product. Stop trying to copy other manufactures tired old warn out system of gameplay, it's not going to sell you more games.