Best looking game doesnt have dx 11 support? Cmon guys this is so stupid.We bought expensive cards to play dx11 with full detail and maximum performance and they cancelled dx11?
I'll surely buy the game when directx11 came out.I thought this was the only game that uses dx11 technology well.It was a disappoinment.Anyway I support Crytek and I already bought the other games.This isnt about only graphics.First they said there will be dx11 then not? Crytek plays with us?
DX11 is going to be added in the Day one patch. Have you been living under a rock? Even that, why should lack of DX11 cause you to cancel your pre-order? Is all Crysis 2 to you just a tech demo?
Im not a troll, Im trying to say that Crytek doesnt really care about PC gaming.
Its indirect trolling. Saying you canceled your preorder on the main Crysis 2 website for a problem that isn't even a problem in the first place after it has already gone gold.
I did not pre order the game. I will not pre order it. And I am not going to buy the game.
Unless I see DX11 PC screenshots and video showing what the PC version of the game can do. Was this game developed with the PC in mind? does not look like it, so guess I wont buy it...
I bet OP will cry tears from his ass when the game is released in 4 days with dx11 and he cancelled his pre-order thus losing all the pre-order items bonus or be able to preload the game and play it just when its released
Have you ever noticed that Nvidia has not only payed Crytek millions of dollars during the development of Crysis 2 but is also releasing the GTX 590 the EXACT same day Crysis 2 is being released? Its so incredibly obvious that Nvidia made Crytek stay hush-hush about everything so when the 590 is released, they can show off dx11 and very high settings for the first time so it will make their card look better (= more $$$).
Have you ever noticed that Nvidia has not only payed Crytek millions of dollars during the development of Crysis 2 but is also releasing the GTX 590 the EXACT same day Crysis 2 is being released? Its so incredibly obvious that Nvidia made Crytek stay hush-hush about everything so when the 590 is released, they can show off dx11 and very high settings for the first time so it will make their card look better (= more $$$). And we have a winner.
Have you ever noticed that Nvidia has not only payed Crytek millions of dollars during the development of Crysis 2 but is also releasing the GTX 590 the EXACT same day Crysis 2 is being released? Its so incredibly obvious that Nvidia made Crytek stay hush-hush about everything so when the 590 is released, they can show off dx11 and very high settings for the first time so it will make their card look better (= more $$$). Congratz, you have won a gtx 590 click here to get your prize.
Im not a troll, Im trying to say that Crytek doesnt really care about PC gaming.
Are you like 14?
Crytek made Crysis 1, it was for PC only. They're making Crysis 2 available to all platforms, according to you that means they don't care about the pc community right? HERP DERP. Gtfo.
I bet OP will cry tears from his ass when the game is released in 4 days with dx11 and he cancelled his pre-order thus losing all the pre-order items bonus or be able to preload the game and play it just when its released
because some **** dogtag and some useless scar skin is something to cry over.