The trade route management definitely needs improvement/refinement. Because I did not fully understand how it worked I have a couple of settlements that have 3 provisioners calling on them. I want to cancel 2 of them. I have been able to "move" one of them but it is painful to wait around for them to show up. And if you have 3 calling on the settlement how does one know which of the two need to be cancelled since one of the 3 is going to the correct location?
We need a trade route management option that lets the player stop a trade route between designated points, reassign a trader to another route, and call a meeting of all traders on all the routes at a specified location (for instance to do a mass uniform change).
It would be much easier to manage them if you could manage them outside the workshop zone, like engage them in a conversation anywhere they are. Currently if you talk with them outside the workshop zone all you can do it trade with them. I want all of their workshop zone control options available anywhere I talk to them.
It would also make management easier if the provisioners actually went deep into each settlement. Perhaps a descending order of importance, e.g., if bell available go there first, if no bell but siren go to siren, if no bell or siren go to workbench. Right now some of them just seem to barely enter the "green zone" before they turn and leave again.