I hope it's worth to start new thread, to gain an objective thoughts from you veterans.
I don't like NCR because of their government, but I like the soldiers life there.
And I don't like Legion, but admire the for ability to achieve so great unity in power and effectiveness. If I imagine working for them and become a part of them, before and after the final battle, there is a problem, that my currier is a woman. I wouldn't be happy with the idea of 'my future' like: work as slave and give a birth to a one child each year and cook for them like housewife.
The brighter future would be if my female currier would be after the battle among those who rule, or Caesar's
And Mr House?, I just don't trust him, It is a computer though. But I feel pretty stupid standing in front of him with his own chip, that he worked on so hard, and threaten him with the destruction?
Basically I don't like them all because they want spread their powers and rule everything each by himself, in a crueler way then is my vision.
And Yes man is not my way of the play, too. I don't want to rule the booze-gambling city with horde of securitrons.
Considering all thoughts, I might be interested in NCR, so far, but it wouldn't be my choice if I hadn't that power and was only a regular citizen of Mojave harvesting corn in my small 1 meter square garden and had no other job...
I would like to be member of government to teach them a lesson, and make some changes in democracy,
That's why I like Khans, and don't mind they sell drugs. Normal intelligent people with self respect are not [censored] and stupid enough to take them, so I don't care about drug dealing to who 'want it'. My currier take drugs yes, but excuse is: only occasionally and for a good reason of 'self-defence'
What would you objectively suggest to me.

This is also a latent question about what do you think the future will look like after the battle with currier as a part of one of the Factions.
Please don't make me sad saying ''you shouldn't play it if you don't like them''. Because I love this game, I just can't decide.
Though, I know that it is a point of the game make the currier to feel hard to choose,..

And I am sure I will try every possible way in future, but I like to play it slowly. Fallout is like a part of my life, I didn't want to eat it whole in few weekends...
I started it 5 months ago and enjoying the roleplay.