» Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 am
Utterly foolish. Seriously.
Guilds are commercial and trade organizations.
Factions are a group of people that are somehow united: a town, a country, a nation (there's a difference between country and nation, too, whoa!), a guild, a cult, a gang. Etcetera.
A cannibal guild would not exist, unless there was a culture (such as Valenwood) where there was an art to eating people, such as how to prepare the body, scoop out the brains, savor the spinal fluid. But not only is that... completely nucking futs, it's not Skyrim. The Bosmer eat people, not the Nords. Hell, the Orcs don't even go around murdering and eating people. Tamriel is a place where the various races, though having their quirks and strangeness, are influenced by imperial, cyrodiilic customs.
Now, were this The Elder Scrolls V: Valenwood (TESV_V), then I would whole-heartedly support it. For now, however, in a Norway-esque country of fjords, valleys, and plentiful fisheries, this is a completely misguided idea arising from the popularity of Fallout games which, though amazing, have nothing to do with the lore of The Elder Scrolls.