No, its not that its immoral, it's not that its messed, its because there is something in you, for a good reason, that stops you from being a cannibal. Think about it, you could have thoughts about eating your pet, if that time of death was about to accour, but only if survival was needed, example, you could save the human race, you would probably think of eating something of the same species. You dont have thoughts of eating people now do you? No, because, im pretty sure that something, ummm... to say it without going over the top it's.... bad. Im certain that were the time to arise, you would rather starve. If your not convinced just look up cannabilism, and it's effects. I never have because honestly, thats just creepy, but you can.... if you want.
To get to the point, its bad, yes, and I would rather starve to death painfully than eat a human being and live my life knowing I did that.
You, sir and/or madame...
... are only inviting yourself to be the eaten one.
Tell me, do you think you would go better with a bit of ketchup... or perhaps being made into some sort of a lemon-drizzled, herbs and spices recipe?
Er... okay, all joking aside, I can tell you hands down that not only could I live with myself very easily for eating some other poor bastard rather than dying... but that I really don't feel that instinctive 'badness' inside about doing so... or really just about anything you said. It's not even that I'm some kind of sociopath or something... it's just that I don't feel there is anything particularly special about us humans which makes us different from any other damn animal out there. What makes it right to kill and eat others, but yet we're so high and mighty that any creature which sees us as food must be exterminated immediately.
We're so paranoid about being dominant... we actively conduct MANHUNTS for animals which kill humans. What other arrogant-ass species do you know that does that? Maybe, if you've really enraged them, a band of chimpanzees who have been repeatedly assaulted will send out a 'war party' to find and kill you. But I doubt they would keep searching for two weeks to do it.
We're bred to think ourselves superior... and I for one refuse to believe it.
I also refuse to believe that because we have this obnoxious tendency towards sentimentality, myself included, that that means that I have to adhere to the psychological programming which society has tried to instill in me.
My pet. My friend. My family. We're all animals in the end... and an animal's primary purpose is quite simple: Survive and propagate the species. Any works of art, of beauty... they are secondary to survival.
I would feel a certain amount of regret for being forced to burn a priceless painting for warmth.
I would feel the same certain amount of regret for being forced to cook my best friend into a delicious stew. But it's not going to keep me awake at night, wracked with guilt. I did what I needed to do to survive... and that is the primary, basic tenet of life. All other species will, when backed into that corner, resort to survival by any means necessary.
Mind you... I do believe that, to justify the
risks of cannibalism... you had better damn be backed into the corner. There's really no other excuse to waste life, a valuable resource, frivolously. People are helpful to have around in quite a great many circumstances... especially when there is work to be done.